Troubleshooting: Goal Reminders

Within Healthie, you can adjust the mode and frequency that your clients receive reminders about their goals. These settings can be adjusted globally, and apply to all clients in your organization, or tailored for an individual client.

You'll find information on configuring goal reminders here: Adjust Goal Notifications

Additional Troubleshooting 

If you are not seeing any active goals for your client, but they are still receiving goals notifications/reminders, here are some additional troubleshooting steps: 

1. Check for all Active Goals

Navigate to the client's profile > Goals 

Select Change Date for the Goals page

Adjust the date range to All Time which should show any and all goals that may still be active. 

A goal is ACTIVE it is has a start date, and no end date - and has not been marked as completed. 

Click [...] next to a goal > Delete to remove the goal. 

2. Check for Custom Goal Reminders 

If you use Custom Reminders, we recommend checking each Active goal to see if these reminders are still set. 

Next to the goal select [...] > Edit 

Use the Remove Reminder option to delete any custom reminders. 

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