Adjust Goals Notifications for Clients

Within Healthie, you can adjust the mode and frequency that your clients receive reminders about their goals. These settings can be adjusted globally, and apply to all clients in your organization, or tailored for an individual client.

Overview of Goals Notifications 

Clients can be notified about their goals by two modes: 

  • Through email 
  • Through mobile app (push notification) 

You can choose for a client to be notified by either (or both) methods, and adjust the frequency for each as well. The frequency of which clients can be notified of their goals include: 

  • Never 
  • Daily 
  • Weekly 
  • Monthly

Adjust Goals Notifications for ALL Clients

  • Click the Gear icon next to your profile picture within Healthie 
  • Select "Settings" from the drop-down 
  • Click "Journal Entries" from the settings menu 
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the entries page, until you reach the section "Goals" 

Note: these global changes will only apply to NEW clients that you add to your Healthie account. Any existing clients will remain with the settings that were previously active, or that you tailored for their account in the past. Think of the global setting as your new "Default" setting that you'd like to have moving forward. 

Adjust Goals Notifications for an INDIVIDUAL Client

To tailor the goals notifications for an individual client

  • Navigate to your client's chart within Healthie
  • From their chart, click the ACTIONS tab on the far right > SETTINGS
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the screen, and you'll see the same notifications options as you did with the global settings. 
  • Adjust the mode and frequency desired for this client 

For best practices, you may want to discuss with your client in session how they will receive their goals reminders, and how often. As an accountability tool, receiving more frequent reminders can help prompt and motivate a client to complete their goals. You can discuss with your client how they may prefer to receive these notifications and the frequency they feel may be helpful as well. Goal setting is a collaboration, and goals notifications can be a great collaboration point. 

Add a Custom Goal Reminder 

To help motivate your clients to complete their goals, you can add a custom goal reminder. 

  • In the details of the goal, click "add reminder" button 
  • Select the frequency (weekly, daily, or once) 
  • Check the box "enable reminders"

An upcoming update to this feature will allow the ability to set a specific time of day for the reminder to occur. As of now, you can select which day(s) of the week you want for the Daily & Weekly options, or which specific date for the Once option.

As a clarification, you can either set general goals reminders for clients or custom goals reminders. 

  • Goal reminders (in "Journal Entry Settings"): you can set daily, weekly, or monthly email reminders for your client as a general reminder to work on their goals. The client your email receives prompts them to log into Healthie and check their goals. These settings can be adjusted on a global, group, or individual client level. 
  • Custom goal reminders (in goal editing): enable you to create a different cadence of reminders for each specific goal. Perhaps you have a client that needs/wants to receive a reminder every day to achieve their "eat breakfast" goal and a weekly reminder for their "exercise" goal. Using goal reminders help with accountability, and we want to enable you as a provider to determine how much accountability your client requires for every goal. 

Note: Healthie runs goal reminders at 8 AM EST every morning, so if you set a daily reminder at some point the same day, goal reminders will be send out the next morning at 8 AM EST. This applies to both custom AND global goal reminders.

How Clients Can Turn Off Goals Notifications 

If your client does not wish to receive goals notifications, they have the option to turn-off this notification within their Settings. This can be done from both the web browser and the mobile app. You may send these instructions to your client: 

Turn off goals notifications from the web browser: 

  • Log into your Healthie Client Portal 
  • Click the gear icon on the top-right > Select "Notifications" 
  • Scroll to the section for Goals and deselect the option(s) next to "A reminder to complete a goal" 

Note: There are two check boxes next to this feature. Deselecting the email option will disable email notifications and deselecting the phone option will disable mobile (push) notifications. You may deselect both if you wish to receive no goal reminders. 

Turn of goals notifications from the mobile app: 

  • Log into your Healthie Client Portal from the mobile app 
  • Tap the menu icon (three lines) on the top-left > Settings 
  • Go to "Notifications"
  • Scroll to the section for Goals and deselect the option(s) next to "A reminder to complete a goal" 

Note: There are two check boxes next to this feature. Deselecting the email option will disable email notifications and deselecting the phone option will disable mobile (push) notifications. You may deselect both if you wish to receive no goal reminders. 

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