Zus Patient Health Profile: Add and Manage Conditions

With the Healthie + Zus integration, organizations can manage patient care leveraging the Zus Aggregated Profile integration. The clinical history for 270M+ patients is integrated directly into Healthie. Rather than sifting through hundreds of Client Care Documents, Zus Conditions Management allows providers to easily manage their own client problem lists leveraging a summarized history of conditions reported for that patient and detailed chronologies of clinical documentation associated with each condition. 

The Zus Patient Health Profile integration with Healthie allows providers to import, view and manage patients’ historical and current Medical Conditions directly within Healthie. Learn how to enable this integration here

This article reviews how to request, search, dismiss, and manage patient conditions when the integration is enabled. 

Request Records 

When the Zus + Healthie integration is enabled for your account, historical data on conditions (aka diagnoses) can be pulled using the Zus Aggregated Profile which lies on your clients's Overview page. Navigate to this page by clicking on Clients (left navigation sidebar) > Client Name > Overview in Healthie. 

From the Client Profile Overview view, scroll down to the section you’ll now see labeled Outside Records Powered by Zus

To request that Zus run a data check for this patient, and pull conditions data back into Healthie, you’ll use the blue Request Records option.

Complete the requested information in the modal, including providing your NPI number (an NPI is required to make a request for records). For your convenience, the patient information will auto-populate if it is on file in Healthie. 

This will generate an API call and will queue up a request for this data. Data pulls for conditions do not happen instantaneously. Please allow 24-48 hours for the data request to pull from Zus’s data sources (Commonwell and Carequality). These data sources send a request out to participating EHRs and those organizations will respond back with the latest information that they have. 

Condition History

The Conditions tab will showcase any historical conditions that Zus was able to aggregate for this patient. The tab contains conditions your provider team added as well as conditions external providers have recorded and are not in your condition list. The red dot to the left of the "Conditions" title indicates the presence of new data. New conditions are displayed in bold font.

Clicking into one of the conditions will display a detailed timeline and history for that condition. The Details box shows a summary of the latest information available for that condition.

Click a history item to expand the history panel. History shows all individual records in the Zus Aggregated Profile (ZAP) associated with a given condition, including encounter diagnoses and problem list documentation. Expanding a record provides available detail such as the reporting physician (Recorder), status, and the associated encounter. If a source document is available, it'll be notated with an icon and linked.

Managing Conditions (Dismiss and Mark as Viewed)

Hovering over a condition from the Conditions view will allow you to either: 

  • Dismiss the condition from your view if you believe the condition is no longer active for a patient or was entered in error. This data is not deleted and can be retrieved at any time. Select "+ Add Filters" and click "Show Dismissed Records" to show dismissed conditions, which will appear in gray font. The dismiss action can also be reversed.
  • Mark as Viewed a new condition to mark it as read. Clicking on the condition to view its details automatically marks the condition as viewed.

Sorting and Filtering Conditions

Sorting conditions is supported for condition name, category, status and last updated date.

Filtering is supported for category and status.

Note: Category helps group conditions into clinically meaningful categories and generally align to certain body systems. Category is defined by applying HCUP's Clinical Classifications Software Refined (CCSR) via the Zus Data Enrichment service.

Additional Resources and FAQ's

Find answers to frequently asked questions regarding the Zus Conditions component here.

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