Adjust Pricing Based on Appointment Duration

Healthie comes with built-in payment processing support, enabling providers to bill for one-time and recurring self-pay services. Client Packages can be created to bundle appointments and services together, and then offered to clients to self-purchase and book. Providers can also invoice for services

Additionally, providers have the ability to set a price for appointment type(s), and automatically schedule charges for clients on a per-session basis. Automatic billing for appointments is supported on Plus Plan and above. 

This article reviews how clients can be automatically charged for an appointment, with a price that adjust according to the actual duration of the session.

Set Pricing Preferences for Appointment Types

Within Appointment Types Settings, account admins can edit specific appointment types to add a set rate. 

Edit a specific appointment type > Pricing > Set Default Price

Additionally, there is the option to set Actual duration increase price

Enabling this option will ensure that automatic appointment charges to clients are recalculated based on the actual duration of the appointment.

For example, if the default price was set to $100 for a 1 hour session, the client would automatically be charged $150 if the appointment duration time was 1 hour 30 minutes.

Set the Actual Duration Time for an Appointment

Providers can manually log what the (actual) duration of an appointment is within the session details.

  • Calendar > Locate Appointment > Duration (Minutes)
  • Add the duration time
  • Change the appointment status to Occurred
  • Save to the update the session details

When the status is set as occurred, the client will automatically be charged for the appointment. Learn more about automatic billing options here.

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