Resend a Client's Welcome Email or Reset their Password

Does your client need support accessing their account or joining their Healthie Client Portal? Would you like to make modifications to a client's e-mail address and/ or password? This article contains instructions on login management to assist your clients. 

How to resend a client's invite email 

If you have added a client, and they mention that they have not received an invitation email to the Healthie portal, please follow this series of actions:

  1. Confirm that you have spelled the client's e-mail address correctly (believe it or not, this is the most frequent reason why clients do not get their emails)
  2. Resend the invite email (see steps below) 
  3. Ask your client to check their promotions and spam folders

If you'd like to resend the welcome e-mail: 

  • Go to the particular Client's Profile
  • Click on the Actions Tab, all the way to the right
  • Click on Personal Information, the first button from the top.
  • Click the Reset password and resend welcome email link, located just to the right of the client's email

This will now automatically resend the Welcome email, with instructions on how to set up their account and reset your client's password too. They will then be prompted to complete any intake forms, that they have not yet completed.  The reset password link expires after 24 hours. By default, the client invite email is valid until the client sets a password or a new link is generated

Note: For security purposes, a resend email can only be sent 5 times within 24h for a single client.

Add Client E-mail Address

If you previously added a client but did not add their e-mail address, and now would like to add an email address on file, please enter the e-mail address, and click "Resend invite e-mail" if you'd like the client to receive a Portal invitation e-mail from you.

Change Client E-mail address

If you would like to change the e-mail address on file for a client, navigate to:

Client Profile > Actions > Client Info > Personal Information > E-mail address > Adjust the E-mail Address > Save

Please make sure to click "Resend invite e-mail" if you'd like the client to receive a Portal invitation e-mail from you to this new e-mail address. 

Set a client's password on their behalf

You may occasionally have clients that are struggling to recall their password or reset it. To help these clients, simply navigate to their client profile and update their password here. 

Be sure to inform your client what their new password is. The most secure way to do this is either verbally in-person or over the phone, or if you use a secure email platform. 

Note: if a client cannot log in to their account, they won't be able to view the details of any messages you send via Healthie chat. They will only receive an email notification stating that they have a new message available.  It’s always best to protect your client’s private health information, and that includes access to their Healthie client portal.

Link activation and de-activation

For security reasons, links that are generated to a client's inbox are active until either of these actions occur:

1. Another reset / activation link is generated (typically by password reset)

2. The link is clicked on and utilized by the client.

After which, you will see that the client is unable to use a link that you share, which we do to maintain account security. 

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