What happens when you invite a client to Healthie

When you add a client to Healthie, a series of automations occur to save you time and streamline your client onboarding process. Let's walk through the initial set of actions that occur, as well as ways you can customize the client onboarding experience for your business needs. 

Your client's onboarding experience  

After you add your client to Healthie (including an email address), this is what will happen: 

1. Client receives a welcome email 

An email to your client automatically sends on your behalf. The subject will read "[Your Name/Practice Name] has invited you to work together on Healthie." You can customize the content of this email for your practice. Wellness providers often include a welcome message/video that introduces clients to your practice of care, and that you'll be using an online platform to support your work together.  

2. Client is prompted to click on a unique link 

In their welcome email, there is a button for your client to click. This button will prompt them to create a password. Their email address and password will be used to login to the Healthie Client Portal. The login is the same as for wellness providers https://secure.gethealthie.com/users/sign_in

3. Client is asked to complete intake forms

If you've associated any new client paperwork (created an Intake Flow) then your client will be asked to electronically complete the forms. You will receive an email notification when your client begins your intake process, and when they have completed it. Adjust your notification settings here. You can view your client's form completion progress at any time by going to: 

  • Clients tab on your Provider dashboard 
  • Select your client 
  • Go to "Charting" on the client profile menu 
  • Click "Client's Intake Paperwork" 

4. Client is prompted to download the Healthie app 

Clients are able to download the same Healthie app on iOS and Android, using their client email and password to log in. Utilizing the app is a convenient way for clients to log into their Healthie Client Portal. They will receive an automated email prompting them to download the app, but as a best practice, you should prompt clients during your initial session to download the app. 

5. Client can log into their Client Healthie Portal 

Healthie allows you to connect and engage with your client, providing a value-add to your wellness services. From desktop of mobile, Healthie enables clients to do a host of activities from their Healthie Client Portal, including: 

  • Complete electronic paperwork 
  • Send a message to their wellness provider
  • Book appointments
  • View shared resources
  • Log journal entries (including a photo food journal)
  • Complete goals
  • Log metrics
  • Launch virtual sessions
  • Complete an online program
  • and so much more 

How to test out the client experience yourself 

To see what the client experience is like, with your specific intake forms, client logging settings, calendar settings, and packages, we recommend adding yourself as a test client to understand the experience. 

Follow the instructions here to easily add yourself as a client. 

Best practices: Introducing Healthie to your clients

Help your clients quickly utilize and interact via Healthie by providing them with some introductory resources. You can find some pre-created handouts that you can leverage with your clients, as well as important resources to share with them below: 

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