Create an internal group chat or video call for members of your team

Healthie provides teams with a HIPAA-compliant want to work together directly through the platform. Streamline your team communication and keep client information secure by utilizing Healthie's internal team chat feature and creating virtual team video calls. 

Team Video Calls 

To start a video call with other members of your team, we recommend creating an appointment type that clients cannot book so that you schedule internal meetings with your team. 

This is done under Calendar> More> Appointment Types (make sure you uncheck the box for clients to book and also check off the box that its a group appointment). 

Next navigate to your Organization tab to schedule the appointment as a group appointment. Here is more information: Using Healthie's Organization Calendar > Make a Group Appointment

In the "Organization Members" field, you can type & add multiple team members. Please note: only team members who are set as providers will display on the calendar, to be added to appointments (not support members). 

To invite support team members, once the appointments is added, you'll see a "Link to Join" in the session details - which is your secure Zoom link for the session. You can message this to any other team member for them to directly join the call as needed. 

Your internal team call will be conducted via HIPAA-compliant Zoom, and are a great way to have regular team check-ins, discuss client care, launch educations/training sessions, and more. 

Team Chat 

Healthie enables organizations to create internal group conversations that consist of providers and support / administrative professionals, without clients. This can be useful for coordination across Care Teams, across an entire Organization, or within administrative staff. 

To set up an internal group chat: 

  • Navigate to: Chat > New Conversation > Select Organization Members > Group Conversation > Start Conversation
  • You are able to chat with internal team members on both the web platform and the mobile app. 

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