Standard vs Support Roles

When adding a new team member to your account, admins have the ability to designate a team member role as either standard or support. 

For Healthie's multi-provider plans (Group Plans and Enterprise Plans), every standard role comes with one free support role.

Standard Roles 

Standard seats typically encompasses anyone in your organization that needs to own a client or needs administrative access to the system. For example, providers who work with clients should be marked as "Standard" so that they can be assigned clients and appear on the Calendar for scheduling. 

Support Roles

Support role encompasses anyone in your organization that needs assistant access to the system. Most commonly, this is someone who schedules, does billing, or is responsible for other administrative work that does not include client engagement. 

Support roles cannot be not assigned clients, join Care Teams, have their own Zoom, or have a calendar on Healthie, but can message clients, view and book sessions for other team members, and conduct coordination activities for the organization. Support seats are able to see which clients are in a session, and view the Organization Calendar. 

Admin Designation 

Both support and standard roles can be given an admin designation. Administrators typically have the highest level of permissions for the account, including the ability to view all billing details, change the account's bank account information, and add new organization members. 

Switching Between Roles

There may be an instance in which you would like to change a member in your organization to/from " Standard" and "Support" (and vice versa). 

Navigate to Organization > Select Member > Edit Settings

  • Note: Provider teams are unable to change their own account types. A member with Admin Designation would need to change your account type on your behalf. You can learn more here.
  • Navigate to the question "What organization member role should [Provider Name] be?"
  • Select "Standard" or "Support
  • The team member will have to log out and log back into Healthie, to see changes reflected in their account. 

Other Information

Each standard seat comes with one support seat, aka we maintain a 1:1 ratio of standard and support. If your account requires additional "support" seats, you would purchase additional standard seats, and then be able to have 1 standard, and 1 support (covering 2 of your support seat needs).

For example, if there are 10 standard seats and 16 support seats in your organization, you would purchase 13 standard seats, and get 13 support seats, to accommodate your 26 team members overall.

Note: Account Admins and Owners will be billed as a standard Organization seat team members for their access.

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