Faxing a Document, Form, or Chart Note

Using Healthie's HIPAA-Compliant e-Fax, you can send client chart notes, documents (e.g., lab reports) and other files to other providers electronically. This is useful for sharing client-related information with other healthcare professionals that are outside of your Healthie Organization. You do not need a physical Fax machine to send e-Faxes through the platform.

How to e-Fax a Charting Note

  • Select a specific Client's Chart Note (Client > Charting > Charting Not Visible to Client > Archive). You are also able to send multiple notes within a client's record at the same time. When selecting notes to Fax, you will be prompted to select from the full menu of chart notes available on a client. 
  • Press Send Fax
  • Complete the Cover Letter
  • Select the Recipient 

  • You can also share a chart note by clicking on the blue "Share" button, and then clicking on the "Share All Fields" dropdown. From there, you can click on "Send as Fax" to fill out the recipient's information and send the fax. 

How to e-Fax a Document

  • Select Document (Note: only PDF documents can be sent via E-fax) 
  • Press Send Fax
  • Providers can either send a PDF that currently lives as a Document within Healthie or upload from their computer.
  • Select the Recipient (either an Existing Contact or Add a New Contact)
  • Complete the Cover Letter

To Add an Existing Document, click on Add Existing Document > Select dropdown Folder Name > Select dropdown File Name > Add Document.

To upload a new Document, click on Upload New File > Select File on your device > Upload and Add Document.

How to e-Fax an Intake Form

Completed intake forms can be faxed from the client's charting section of their profile.

  • Client > Charting > View Charting Notes
  • Locate and click the intake form from the list of notes
  • Click "Send Fax" from the top-right once the form is opened


  • If you have a dedicated e-Fax number via Healthie, your faxes will be sent from this number. If you do not have a dedicated e-Fax number via Healthie, your fax will be sent from a generic, do-not-reply fax number, and you will not receive any inbound faxes to this number.
  • You can e-Fax multiple documents at once; to do this, please select the documents you'd like to include. 
  • If you have a non PDF document that you'd like to e-Fax, convert it to a PDF
  • If an e-Fax Fails to send, press "Resend" on your Sent Faxes Page to try again. E-faxing: Troubleshooting guide
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