Availability by Appointment Type, Location, or Contact Type

Healthie's Calendar enables providers to Set their availability to streamline workflows and enable clients to book based on availability. Clients are able to see available days/times to book appointments. 

As an added layer to these settings, providers can set their availability by appointment type, location, or contact type. 

Disclaimer: Having any advanced availability settings applied to an account will clear any currently set availability. New availability will need to be set by providers and/or account admins. 

This article reviews these advanced settings that you can optionally use.

Overview of Advanced Availability Settings

On top of our standard settings for availability, Healthie offers three ways to customize availability:

  1. Appointment Types (ie. initial appointments or follow-up sessions) 
  2. Locations (ie. different states (for state licensure filtering) or in-person offices)
  3. Contact types (ie. in-person, phone, or video calls)

Enabling Advanced Availability Settings

To review these availability settings, or to see which are already enabled for your account: 

  • Navigate to "Settings" (gear icon on the top right) 
  • Select "Appointments" from the settings menu 
  • Adjust the options in the "General Availability" section by clicking the "pencil icon" 

Availability by Appointment Type

Setting up your availability by appointment type is useful if you have several appointment types and you would like to set your availability (hours that calls can be booked) based on appointment type. For example, if you want to take intro calls on Monday mornings, you could set that up via Availability by Appointment Type. 

Once this has been enabled on your account, You will be able to adjust your Weekly Availability based on the Appointment Type you have selected. 

  • Navigate to Calendar > Availability 
  • A side panel will appear, prompting you to complete the availability details 
  • From the drop-down Appointment Type, select which appointment type you would like to set availability for
  • Repeat for the other appointment type(s) if you wish availability to be available for them as well. 

Note: You must add availability for each appointment type if you would like them to be bookable by clients.

Availability by Location or State License

Setting up your availability by location is useful if you:

  • Offer virtual-first care in multiple states, with services that have specific state licensure requirements
  • Offer in-person care with several locations 

Read more: Appointment Locations versus State Licenses

Once this has been enabled on your account, providers will be able to adjust your Weekly Availability based on the Location you have selected. 

  • Navigate to Calendar > Availability 
  • A side panel will appear, prompting you to complete the availability details 
  • From the drop-down Location, select which location you would like to set availability for
  • Repeat for the other location(s) if you wish availability to be available for them as well

In the patient booking experience, if you have availability by location enabled, we will only show locations that actually have availability. This cuts down on patients wasting time selecting un-bookable locations.

Note: Please do not enable this setting, or request this setting be enabled, for your account if you do not currently have any locations set for your account. Learn how to add location(s) here

Availability by Contact Type

Setting up your availability by contact type is useful if you would like to be available for just virtual sessions some days, and in-person sessions on other days. 

Once this has been enabled on your account, You will be able to adjust your Weekly Availability based on the Contact Type you have selected. 

  • Navigate to Calendar > Availability 
  • A side panel will appear, prompting you to complete the availability details 
  • From the drop-down Contact Type, select which contact type you would like to set availability for (in-person, phone, video call) 
  • Repeat for the other contact type(s) if you wish availability to be available for them as well. 

Note: If Healthie Video Call or Phone is selected for contact type, the option to select a Location will disappear.

Availability For Organizations

Organization admins can set availability for each individual provider, leveraging the advanced availability settings

  • Navigate to Organization > Calendar > Availability 
  • A side panel will appear, prompting you to complete the availability details 
  • From the drop-down(s) select which appointment/location/contact type you'd like to add availability for 
  • Take the extra step to Select which provider you would like to add this availability for 
  • Repeat for the other contact type(s) if you wish availability to be available for them as well. 

Alternatively, provider can go directly to their Calendar directly, and add availability themselves by following the steps outlined above. The process will look exactly the same for them, but they won't be prompted to select a provider. 

If your team member is not able to view their calendar or adjust their availability, please have an admin review the member settings that are currently set for that member Organization > Members > Locate Member > Edit Settings

More information can be found here

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