Enabling Clients To Gift Packages

Healthie's built-in packages system enables you to bill for one-time and recurring services, programs, products, and other offerings that you provide. Learn how to create your package(s) within Healthie here

Once you have your package(s) created, you have the option to allow a client not only to purchase the package for themselves, but also to purchase a package on behalf of someone else (ie. a friend or family member). This can be an exceptionally powerful marketing tool, and can be promoted throughout the year. Examples of how you may promote gifting of packages could include:

  • "Gift the gift of Health this holiday season" > Link to Package 
  • "This Valentine's Day, give your loved ones the gift of health" > Link to Package


Enable Gifting For a Package 

To enable gifting for a package, navigate to: 

  • Billing > Client Packages > Locate your package 
  • Click Edit > Payment details 
  • Select the box "Allow purchasing of this package as a gift" > Save

Note: Only packages that are set up as "one-time" payments can have the gifting setting enabled. Recurring packages or packages with multiple payment terms cannot be gifted. 

When a package is gifted, as a provider you will see that a new payment was made (and package purchased) in your notifications. Be sure to enable this "Package Purchased" notification setting

Gift Sender Experience

If a gifting option has been enabled, a client will see the option to " Purchase as a gift" when viewing the package link. Learn how to share your package links with clients here

When selected, the client will be prompted to provide their details, along with the details for the gift recipient, and payment info. The purchaser will also automatically receive a receipt of their payment. 

Gift Recipient Experience 

Gifting a package will automatically create a Healthie account for the recipient. The recipient will see receive an email notification with the details of their package. Clicking the " View Package Details" button will bring them to their payment portal within Healthie. 


  • If the recipient is new to Healthie, they will automatically have a Healthie Client Account created for them. 
  • If they are an existing client, the system will automatically update their profile, and show that they have a new package purchased as a gift. 
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