Tasks for Organizations

Healthie enables your organization to stay internally organized through our Task Management feature, including the ability to: 

  • Assign certain action items to yourself, that you need to take for your business and for your clients' needs within Healthie
  • Associate tasks with specific clients to ensure you are completing action items in between sessions or after a session
  • Assign tasks to other members of your organization and view tasks that others have assigned you
  • Mark tasks as completed on behalf of other team members. 

Review the basics in creating, prioritizing, and completing tasks by visiting out Tasks Overview article here

Healthier also offers Smart Tasks, which can be leveraged through out API and are planned functionality for in-platform. Learn more about Smart Tasks

Viewing All Tasks in the Organization 

Team member(s) will need the member permission  Can view all org members' tasks enabled for their account by an account admin. 

With the necessary member permissions enabled, member(s) can view all organization tasks by clicking View All Tasks on their member dashboard.

A new list-view of Tasks will display showing all tasks that are currently active or complete for the organization - including tasks that are created by, or assigned to, other team members. 

Sort through tasks according to: 

  • Due date (if there is one) 
  • Who created the task
  • Who is assigned the task 
  • Date task created 
  • Date task completed

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