Anatomical Charting

Anatomical charting offers a visual and textual overview of patient pain (or problem areas) and provides an easy-to-understand tool for patient interaction with healthcare professionals. Physical therapists, chiropractors, massage therapists, and other wellness providers who work with patients via hands-on care, can have patients electronically complete Healthie's Anatomical Charting field. 

Additionally, personal trainers and other wellness professionals can utilize anatomical charting beyond identifying pain or problem areas, for example, to assess "target areas" your client would like to work on together. 


Anatomical Charting Overview 

Healthie's Anatomical Charting feature is a form field that can be added to any charting or intake form within Healthie. This can allow you to collect other patient information alongside the anatomical results (ie. as part of an intake assessment). 

To locate the anatomical charting field: 

  • Open a form within Healthie's Form Builder 
  • Select "Charting" category from the Question Bank 
  • Scroll to the bottom of the Question Bank, where you'll see "Anatomical Charting" 
  • Drag this field to the right, and drop it within your form. You can reposition it to any place within your form. 

To create a standalone form for anatomical charting: 

  • Within Healthie's Form Builder > Create New Form 
  • Give your form a title (ie. Patient Pain Indicator Form) 
  • Select "Charting" category from the Question Bank 
  • Scroll to the bottom of the Question Bank, where you'll see "Anatomical Charting" 
  • Drag this field to the right, and drop it within your form. You can reposition it to any place within your form.

Click the "Edit" option on the right side of the field to change the field title, or description/instructions to patients. 

You can "Preview" your form at any time by clicking the blue "Options" button on the top-right of your form > Preview. From here, you can also generate a PDF version of your form if needed. 

From the patient perspective, patients will see the above image (apart from any edits you make to the text), including a "front" view and "back" view of the body image. 

With anatomical charting, patients are able to:

  • Use their mouse cursor to draw directly on the image, and mark their pain/problem areas 
  • Patients can toggle between "Front" and "Back" to mark up both sides of the anatomical chart 
  • Utilize the "Clear" feature to reset their indications
  • In the left-hand text box, they are able to write a detailed description of their corresponding issue 

Completing this form will save it directly within your patient's profile in Healthie, to review and access at any time. To see your patient's completed forms navigate to their profile > Charting > View Client Forms

Providers can also open the completed patient form while charting on a patient via multiple charting tabs, to improve charting/workflow. 

Request Patient Form Completion 

Send manual form completion request

There are two ways you can request a patient complete your form (containing the Anatomical Charting field): 

1. Within form builder click the blue "Options" button on the top-right > Request Form Completion 

2. Within your patient's profile in Healthie > Charting > Request Client Form > Locate your form from the list and click "Send Request Completion email" 

Note: You can set your form request to "recur" at regular interval (ie. weekly or monthly) if you'd like to automatically, and electronically, receive progress updates from patients.

Automatically collect form from patient(s) 

Automatically have patients complete this form by adding your form into an Intake Flow (ie. new patient intake flow). Patients will automatically receive an electronic request to complete your form(s). Wellness providers can receive a notification when a patient completes an Intake Flow. Learn more about notifications here.


Want to learn more about how Healthie can help meet the needs of your clinic or practice? Send us an email to 

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