Import Content From Chart Note into a Care Plan

Healthie's Care Plans feature enables providers and organizations to apply common protocols and methods of care to clients, while still facilitating the customization/personalization that may happen on a per-client basis. Within a Care Plan, you can add wellness recommendations, upload documents for clients to access, automatically set goals, and more. 

When adding a recommendation to a Care Plan, specific information can be imported from a client's chart note, directly into the Care Plan. This allows providers to streamline workflows, when sharing personalized post-session treatment & care recommendations with clients. 

To import information from a chart note into a Care Plan: 

1. Edit or create a new Care Plan > Add Recommendation 

2. Tab over to "Import from chart note" 

3. From the drop-down, locate the chart note that you'd like to important information from 

4. Select the field from that note/form > once this information pulls in, you can make any needed revisions 

5. Click the "Add Recommendation" button to save your recommendation

Note: Care Plans are not live until they are activated

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