Getting Started: Care Plans

Healthie's Care Plans feature enables providers and organizations to apply common protocols and methods of care to clients, while still facilitating the customization/personalization that may happen on a per-client basis. Within a Care Plan, you can add wellness recommendations, upload documents for clients to access, automatically set goals, and more. 

Care Plans can be created as a template, and quickly applied to other client accounts or even a group, as a way to save time, and improve standardization of care. Once applied to a client's account, it is an individual instance of the Care Plan - meaning editing the Care Plan within the client's profile will not edit the original template. Similarly, editing the original template will not impact the new care plan you've applied for your client.

Best practices for utilizing care plans

Care Plans enable you to quickly share treatment recommendations with clients, provide helpful resources, and customize your client's experience within Healthie -- all of which can be created quickly utilizing the Care Plans tool. 

Some ways to utilize Care Plans:

  • When you have a set routine or treatment protocols when working with a client, and you'd like to create a consistent way to communicate these recommendations 
  • Reinforce treatment recommendations and provide additional information to clients which they can review post-session
  • You are part of an organization and want to standardize operations and set guidelines for your team to engage with a client

Effectively, Care Plans will allow you to save time communicating recommendations and "next-steps" with your clients. Once shared with a client, they will be able to view their plan, review the included recommendations and resources, and start working towards any goals set for them.

Create a new care plan

You can create a new care plan for a client by navigating to Clients (left navigation side bar) > Client Name > Care Plans from the menu. Regardless of whether or not you have any past care plans for this client, you'll see two buttons saying "New from Template" and "Create a Care Plan for [Patient First Name]". 

If a Care Plan has been created in the past for the client, you will be able to view and manage the existing Care Plans or create a new plan.

Note: You can only have one active care plan at a time. If you create a new plan, you will need to set it as "Active" and it will replace the current "Active" Care plan. Deactivating a Care Plan does not delete it, and you can make a Care Plan "Active" again at any time. When a Care Plan is made "Active" it will be visible to the client, including any goals, recommendations, and documents that you've included. 

Within the new Care Plan, you can complete the fields, and add recommendations including: 

  • Care Plan Name (not visible to your client) - required 
  • Care Plan description (visible to your client) - required 
  • Recommendation(s) (e.g. nutrition, activity)
  • Create goal(s) 
  • Upload document(s)
  • Adjust journaling settings for this client 

Add a Recommendation

To add an activity or nutrition recommendation, click the "Add Recommendation" button. A side panel will slide out, with fields for you to complete. From the drop-down, select a category:

  • Activity 
  • Nutrition 
  • Supplement 
  • Other

This information will be visible for clients, so a menu bar has been added to allow you to create bulleted/numbered lists, incorporate an image, and adjust the styling of your font. 

When done, click the "Add Recommendation" blue button. 

You can modify your recommendations at any time, even while the Care Plan is "Active." 

Additionally, from "Add Recommendation" you can also import information from a client's chart note. Simply tab over to "Import From Chart Note" and follow the on-screen prompts to locate the specific chart note, and fields, that you would like to add. You will have the option to edit the copy before publishing your recommendation. 

Add a Goal 

To add a goal to a Care Plan, click "Add Goals." A side panel will appear, which will allow you to create the goal from scratch, or allow you to apply a "Goal Favorite" to easily reuse a past goal. The goals added to your Care Plan will display within the Care Plan in your client's account -- it will not replace any existing goals that they already have. They will be able to view ALL GOALS within their "Goals" tab within Healthie. 

Learn more about creating goals within Healthie here.  

Add a Document 

You can upload a document to a Care Plan, that has already been uploaded to your "Documents" Library, or you can upload a file directly from your computer. 

To add a document:

  • Click "Add Document" > Click "Select File" to add a document already within your Healthie Documents  
  • -or- click "Upload New File" to find and add a local file from your computer 
  • Click "Upload Document" 
The file will automatically be placed inside the client’s “Care Plan” Documents folder.

Adjust Journaling Settings 

If you would like to customize any of the journaling features for your client, you can do so through Care Plans. The settings added through a Care Plan will override any global or group settings that you currently have in place for this client. 

Learn more about customizing client journaling settings here

After you are done making all edits, click on the "Create Care Plan" blue button at the top right of your screen.

Preview a Care Plan 

Prior to making your Care Plan active, you can "preview" the plan. This will allow you to tab-through the Care Plan -- which also gives you an idea of what your client will see once the plan is shared with them. To preview. Click the actions tab (three dots) next to your Care Plan on the overview page and select "Preview" from the drop-down. 

Making Care Plans "Active" or "Inactive"

Once done creating your care plan, scroll to the bottom of the Plan > click "Create Care Plan" 

This will NOT activate the Care Plan. You will need to take an additional step to make the plan "Active," and visible to your client. After you create a plan, a green banner will appear within Healthie confirming that you have successfully added the plan, with the option to "Activate" or dismiss.

If you dismiss the banner, or want to Activate a Care Plan in the future, simply click the 3 action dots next to your care plan. A menu will appear with the option to select "Activate" 

You'll then see a new green banner confirming that your Care Plan has been "Uploaded" to your client's account, indicating that it is now Active. 

Keep in mind, you can only have ONE "Active" Care Plan for each client. Every client can have a unique Care Plan, but they can only view one Care Plan at a time. 

To make a Care Plan "Inactive" > Click the 3 action dots next to the Care Plan > Select "Make Inactive" from the menu. A pop-up will display asking you to confirm your decision. 

Note: Once set as "Inactive," the client will retain any documents or goals that were included in the care plan, but they'll no longer see a "Care Plan" in their account or any recommendations that were included in the care plan.

Notify Client about Care Plan

Option to notify a client about a new active Care Plan via email. Once you set a Care Plan to "Active" a green success banner will appear, with a button "Notify Client via Email." 

Edit or delete a Care Plan

To modify a Care Plan:

  • Click the three dots (action) tab next to the Care Plan 
  • Select "Edit" > Make any needed changes 
  • Click the "Update Care Plan" button when done  

To delete a Care Plan: 

  • Click the three dots (action) tab next to the Care Plan 
  • Select "Delete" > Make any needed changes 

A pop-up will display asking you to confirm your decision. Deleting a Care Plan cannot be undone. Once deleted, the client will retain any documents or goals that were included in the Care Plan, but they will no longer see any recommendations or plans listed in their "Care Plans" section.

Note: Editing a Care Plan template is a different action than editing an active Care Plan. The steps required are essentially the same, but edits at the Care Plan template level are not applied to active Care Plans that were created from that particular template.

Manage Care Plans 

A page has been added to the "Settings" section, dedicated to Care Plans. On this page, providers are able to see a list of all active and inactive Care Plans that you've created, with quick-actions you can take. 

To access the Care Plans settings page: 

Gear icon (top-right) > Settings > Care Plans

Some quick-actions you can take from this page include: 

  • Set as active/inactive 
  • Edit Care Plan 
  • Export to Template

Client's experience with Care Plans 

When you activate a Care Plan for a client, they'll see it appear in their Healthie Client Portal, where they will be able to click "Care Plan" from their dashboard menu.

From here, they can review the plan you've provided. Clients can also print or download their Care Plan as a PDF if they prefer. 

Once in the Care Plan section, your client can tab through any activity recommendations, nutrition recommendations, goals, and documents that you have included in their plan. 

Care Plans on the mobile app

Clients can now access their Care Plan from the Healthie Mobile app, so that your recommendations are always just a tap away. Once you've created and activated a Care Plan for a client, it will automatically become available to them. 

From the mobile app, clients can access their Care Plan in two ways.

1. Click the side menu > Care Plan tab 

2. From the main Home screen, a snippet of their Care Plan will display > Click "View Plan" 

Once they click through to their Care Plan, clients will see all of the same information available from the web browser, including: 

  • Recommendations by category (nutrition, activity, supplement, other) 
  • Goals related to their Care Plans 
  • Additional documents/resources if provided, with ability to click and view the resource 

Turn off the Care Plans Feature

If you do not use the Care Plans feature within your practice, you have the ability to turn the entire Care Plans feature off so you do not have to view it within your provider account. 

To do so, click on the Settings wheel and navigate to the "Care Plans" settings tab under "Features." A switch should appear near the top of the "Care Plans" settings page; by default, this switch will be marked "ON." Click on the switch to turn it off.

When the Care Plans feature is turned off:

  • All of the your "Active" status care plans will automatically become "Inactive’ status
  • A "Care Plans" tab will not appear in client profiles within the provider's account
  • The "Care Plans" settings page will look like the following:

Additional resources (and planned updates) 

If helpful, you can share this guide to getting started with Care Plans For Clients

Watch our Deep-Dive Video: Care Plans to walk through the Care Plans feature with the Healthie Success team. 

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