Care Plan Templates

Healthie's Care Plans feature enables providers and organizations to apply common protocols and methods of care to clients, while still facilitating the customization/personalization that may happen on a per-client basis. Within a Care Plan, you can add wellness recommendations, upload documents for clients to access, automatically set goals, and more. 

By saving a Care Plan as a Template, you'll have the ability to quickly apply a created Care Plan to another client or to a client group. Your templates save in a digital library, and essentially enable you to have share your standard treatment recommendations & protocols. For solo practitioners and group practices, apart from saving time, Care Plan templates create a standardization of care recommendations. 

In this article:

Create a Care Plan Template 

To get started with Care Plan Templates, you first need to go into an individual client's profile, and create a Care Plan. At the bottom of the Care Plan, check the box Save as Template. 

Templates can be located & managed from Settings > Care Plan > Templates

Alternatively to save a Care Plan as a template: 

  • View all Care Plans that you have created in Settings > Care Plans 
  • Click the [...] next to a Care Plan > Export to Template

View and Edit Care Plan Templates

To view all of your Care Plan templates in one place, click on the Settings wheel on your dashboard, and click on "Settings" from the drop down menu. Under the "Features" tab, select the "Care Plans" option to open up Care Plan settings. When the Care Plans page opens up, click on the "Templates" tab.

Click the [...] next to a Care Plan Template in order to take additional actions >  Edit Template

Apply a Care Plan from a Template 

Once you have a Care Plan template created, you can apply it to another client's account. Once applied to a client's account, it is an individual instance of the Care Plan - meaning editing the Care Plan within the client's profile will not edit the original template. Similarly, editing the original template will not impact the new care plan you've applied for your client.

There are two ways to apply a template: 

1. Apply the Care Plan Template from the Client's Profile 

Navigate to your client's profile > Care Plans > Choose "New From Template" 

2. Apply the Care Plan Template from Settings > Care Plans

Click the [...] next to a Care Plan Template in Settings in order to take additional actions, including: 

  • Apply the Care Plan Template to a specific client 
  • Apply the Care Plan Template to a client group 

From the drop-down, search & select the client name, or the client group. In the same flow you can check Activate Care Plan to automatically make the Care Plan active for these client(s).

If Activate Care Plan is not selected, the Care Plan will be added to the clients account, but clients will not see it until it is manually activated by their provider. Learn how to activate a Care Plan

Best Practices for Care Plan Templates 

  • While you can apply a Care Plan template to a client's account, you still have the option to further personalize or edit the Care Plan. Doing so will not affect your template, and in fact, you could save the edited version as a new Care Plan template. 
  • In general with Care Plans, any goals, settings, and documents that you create/add as part of the Care Plan template will automatically apply to your client's account. 
  • Once your Care Plan is created, you must "Activate" the plan for it to apply to your client. 
  • For group practices and organizations, Care Plan templates can be created as part of a standardization of care. In a forthcoming update, all Care Plans can be created, edited, and reviewed from a centralized place, allowing administrators to oversee plans (and ergo, treatment protocols).
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