Auto-Fill Information on Insurance Claims & Superbills

Healthie helps providers save time on insurance claims and Superbill creations by quick-filling important information, as well as pre-filling subsequent claims. 

Auto-Fill Details 

Some information once added to your Healthie provider account, or to your Client's Profile, will auto-fill into a claim or Superbill. You can capture relevant client information during onboarding, by having a client complete an electronic intake form (ie. Healthie Smart Form) 

Common information that will auto-fill into a claim form or Superbill includes: 

  • Client name 
  • Client date of birth 
  • Client address 
  • Client phone number
  • Client insurance information 
  • Client diagnosis code(s)
  • Provider name 
  • Provider address/location 
  • Provider tax-ID number 
  • Provider NPI number
  • Provider email address (on Superbills)

Note: Editing information in a claim form or Superbill, such as client address, will not always update this information in the Client's Profile. We recommend you manually edit your client's profile information

An exception to this rule is collecting client's diagnosis information, learn more here

Pre-Fill Subsequent Forms 

Once a a claim or Superbill is created for a specific client, the information will automatically copy-over into the next claim or Superbill for that client. Providers can make any necessary edits directly to the form. Editing the form will not change information on previously created forms, nor will it update information stored in the Client's Profile. 

Troubleshooting Auto-Fill Issues  

While this quick-fill method allows providers to save time on billing, it also can cause any errors in data to carry over to a future claim or Superbill. For example, if an NPI number or Tax-ID number is edited in a field (and the information is wrong), it will auto-fill as such into the next form. 

  • If you see an error in information on your clam or Superbill form, please edit the field directly. Once created and saved correctly, the correct information should pre-fill into the next form you create for this specific client. 
  • If you are part of a multi-provider practice and see that another provider's information has been populated into the claim form, please use the drop-down in the Provider Name field to select the correct provider. Switch the selected provider before editing any provider information (ie. license number, NPI number) to avoid issues with claim auto-fills in the future. 

If you are seeing information auto-fill incorrectly across all claims/forms (ie. the wrong NPI number associated with a provider), please send an email to 

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