Getting Started: Healthie Intake Forms

Healthie Intake Forms makes it easy to easily and electronically collect health information, e-signatures, payment details (credit cards and insurance), and other forms needed for care. 
You are able to build your own forms and leverage our internal library and specialty forms to customize the forms & fields you'd like clients to complete as they work with you. 

Forms are not automatically shared with clients from your Forms library. Learn how clients can complete a Healthie form here

Curate Your Library of Forms

By default, the following forms are available to you through your Forms Library: Electronic Forms Library. These forms serve as templates. They can be used as they are, or edited to fit your business and client needs. 

Additionally, there are several other ways to add forms to your Healthie account: 

Have a form that you would like Healthie to build out in your account? If you are on a paid plan and have an existing form or charting template that you would like to have added to your account, please complete this questionnaire: Healthie Form Builder Request.

Standard Forms Not Visible in the Forms Library 

Some of the available forms will not appear in your Form's Library, which indicates that they are a fixed-form and cannot be edited. 

Forms that are automatically added to your account, but not visible in the forms library include: 

To view forms that do not appear in your Forms, we suggest that you add them to an intake flow and "Preview" the flow. This will walk you through your client's experience with your electronic paperwork. 

Create Your Own Intake Form(s) 

Creating your own custom paperwork within Healthie enables you to capture information that is tailored for your business, profession, and clients. This ensures a streamlined onboarding process and saves times on daily tasks, such as charting. Intake forms are specific forms that you will have new clients complete as part of their onboarding process. 

These forms can be added to an "Intake Flow" to automatically distribute to new clients. You can create different client groups and different intake flows so that you can have differing onboarding processes (ie. an intake flow/paperwork for adult clients and a second flow/paperwork for pediatric clients). 

Learn how to build your own intake form

Tip: Leverage "Smart Fields" 

Healthie's Smart Fields enable you to have information from intake forms pre-populate within a Client's Profile and onto your Charting Templates, which eliminates duplicate data entry. More information here

Edit or Delete an Intake Form

There may be instances in which you would like to modify or delete intake forms that you have already created. You are able to do both within your Forms Library, irrespective of if a form has been shared with clients.

Learn how to edit or delete a form.  

Copy an Intake Form

There may be instances in which you would like to copy an existing intake form. 

Learn how to copy a form

Download or Print a Form

You can optionally download or print a blank version of your intake form or charting now. 

Additionally, completed versions of a client's forms can also be download/printed. 

Learn how to download or print a form

Archive a Form 

If there are forms or charting templates that you no longer would like to display in your forms list, it can be archived. 

Learn how to archive or unarchive a form here.

How Clients Complete an Intake Form

Forms are completed electronically by clients, and can be shared automatically or manually. 

Learn how to send intake forms to clients here: Have Clients Complete a Healthie Form

Additional Resources

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