Storing and modifying client information in Healthie

Healthie's platform enables you to securely store detailed information about your clients. This information can be entered by you, or even your client during the onboarding process as part of their intake forms. 

Client Information Fields

Healthie has fields in a client's profile that make it easy to store and update personal information on a client. Information can be subsequently pre-filled into charting forms to save you time and eliminate duplicate data entry.

To view and edit client information on file, navigate to Client Profile > Actions > Client Information

  • Client's Legal Name 
    • Note: Legal Name is an optional field and is used for CMS 1500 generation. If you leave the legal field blank, the CMS 1500 form will default to the First Name & Last Name as part of the client file. Legal name is optional, but will override the First & Last Name.
  • Date of Birth 
  • Client's E-mail Address
  • Client's Group within Healthie 
  • Phone Number 
  • Gender 
  • Healthie provider(s)
  • Address 
  • Insurance information  
  • Emergency contact information 
  • Referring Provider information 
  • Diagnosis codes (to be used in CMS 1500 Claims or Superbills) 
  • Client Allergies/Sensitivities
    • Document your client's allergies, food intolerances, food sensitivities, and food preferences directly within their profile. Find more details here
  • Family History
  • Implantable Devices

When you've made any desired updates, click "Save" for changes to go into effect.

Client's Preferred Name 

Within your client's profile, you'll see the option to distinguish between your client's legal name and their preferred name (use the First Name field). 

This can be useful when working with clients that use a nickname or a different than what appears on their credit card, insurance card or other forms of identification. Any invoices, receipts, insurance claims or superbills created on behalf of your client will automatically include your client’s legal name. This will ensure all payments are processed with the right information. For any other emails sent through Healthie, or places where your client will see their name, their “preferred name” will be used. 

This small personal touch makes a difference in your client’s experience and communicates respect for their preferred name. 

Handling international phone numbers

Healthie's system accepts international phone numbers in the following format:

Country Code + Phone Number

For example, for a UK number (Country Code +44), an acceptable format would be: +44-7777777777

Please do not add any "0"s at the beginning

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