Client Selfies in Healthie Journaling

Selfies is an optional Journaling Feature that can be enabled for a client's account, in their journaling settings. When enabled, clients can take pictures and upload them to Healthie, for their provider to see & engage with. 

Enable Selfies for a Client

Turn on Selfies from the Client's Profile > Actions > Settings 

Check the box next to Enable clients to take Selfies 

Client Logging Selfies

Once enabled, clients will see the Selfies journaling icon when the log into their Healthie Client account. Data shows that clients prefer to journal from the Healthie mobile app. 

From here, clients can select a body part they would like to isolate for their Selfie. Options include: 

  • Arms 
  • Back 
  • Face
  • Front
  • Legs 
  • Other

Clients will then be prompted to add a photo and a comment (optionally). They can take a photo directly through the app, or upload a photo from their local device. 

Provider Reviewing Selfies

Providers will see the date, time, body type, picture, and any client comments for the entry. Providers can respond with a quick reaction (emoji) or add a comment to the post. 

Learn more on viewing journal entries

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