Change a Client's Email Address

The email address for a client account can be updated at any time. Once changed, the client will receive an email prompting them to create a new password for their client account. If the client previously shared an email address with another client, they will no longer be able to toggle between the client accounts. 

Provider Updating Email Address

To change the email address for a client: 

  • Go to your client's profile > Actions > Personal Information 
  • Update the email address for your client 
  • Click SAVE

Client Updating Email Address

Alternatively, clients can log into their account and update their email address directly within their account settings. 

  • Gear Icon > Personal Account
  • Update Email
  • Click UPDATE to save changes 

An email will be triggered to send to the new email address, and the client will be asked to create a new password for their account.

Resend Client Invite Email 

In the case that you are updating a client's email address because the original email was incorrect, or was not included in the client profile, you may want to resend the client an invitation email. This will allow them to properly set up their account and log into Healthie for the first time. 

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