Difference Between Linking Accounts & Adding Contacts

When working with family members, you may want to add a family member to a client's account. This will allow the family member to receive email notifications (such as appointment reminders, payment receipts, Superbills, and more).

Alternatively, if you're working with multiple family members as clients, you may want to link their accounts to indicate relationship. This can be useful when working with both a parent and a child, spouses, etc. While linking family accounts will not impact your workflows or change the access the client's have to each other's accounts, it will allow you as a the provider to be reminded of a family relationship. 

This article reviews the difference between linking client accounts, and adding contacts.

Link Client Accounts

When you select Link Client Account, you can link a new or existing client within Healthie to the account of your client. This is useful when you're working with both clients within Healthie, and you'd like to be reminded of a family relationship. You'll have the option to share email notifications with the linked client, meaning for every email Client A receives (ie. appointment reminders, payment receipts, etc).  

Linked clients are not able to access each others accounts unless they share an email address

Learn how to link client accounts

Add Contact to a Client Account 

When you select Add Contact, you can add information for anyone associated with a client. You'll have the option to share email notifications with this contact. Adding Contacts to an account can be useful when you don't wish to add the contact as a client in Healthie (ie. you aren't technically working with them as a client), but you would like them to stay informed on upcoming appointments, receive receipts for payments or Superbills, and more. 

You can also (optionally)  indicate the contact as an emergency contact for the client. 

A contact is not able to access a client's account in any way. 

Learn how to add a contact to a client account

Unlink an Account or Remove a Contact 

If you'd like to disassociate client accounts in Healthie, you can do so in the settings of the original client account (where you first added the linked family member). 

If you don't see the option to unlink the accounts, we suggest you check the other client's settings, and attempt to unlink from there. 

  • Client Profile > Actions > Client Info > Family and Contacts
  • Click the [...] next to the contact
  • Select Remove Linked Client Account or Remove Contact

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