Clients Adding Appointments to their Calendars

Utilizing Healthie's Calendar feature, there are various ways that client appointments can be booked. Healthie is designed to make the booking process simple for both practitioners, and clients. 

Once a client is booked for an appointment (either self-booking, or manually booked by a provider), they will receive an appointment confirmation email

In the session details, there is an option for clients to add their appointment to their calendar (iCal, Google, Outlook). They can choose the calendar they prefer, and an event will automatically be created. Healthie does not currently support having appointments automatically added to client's calendars, but rather, makes it simple for clients to manually add the event. 

Here are instructions you can send to clients, who would like to add appointments to their calendars. 

If your client did not receive your appointment confirmation or reminder emails, you can check their sent notifications to see the status of the email. 

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