Keeping Track of Sent Client Notifications

To help you save time and resources in your business, Healthie helps to automate back-office tasks. Healthie intuitively (and automatically) sends notifications to your clients, such as email and SMS appointment reminders, appointment confirmations, purchase confirmations, and more. 

While Healthie automates these notifications, it may be important for you to review which notifications are being sent on your behalf. This can help you ensure that every point of contact with your clients is on-brand for your business, and also to clarify any client miscommunication. 

To help you oversee your record of sent client notifications, you can find a specific section within your client-profile that lists all such records. 


Accessing a client's "Sent Notification History" 

To review the history of all Healthie-generated emails and notifications sent to a specific client: 

  • Navigate to Clients > Select client 
  • From their main profile page, click "Notification History" located below their profile picture/email 
  • A side-panel drawer will appear, displaying your client's notification history 

Notifications included in "Sent Notification History" 

Below is a comprehensive list of the emails, SMS, and push notifications that you are recorded and available for you to review for each client.

Note: If you see a phone icon next to a notification item, it means the notification was shared via SMS / text message, while an envelope designates that the notification was sent via e-mail.  

  • Appointment reminder 
  • Reminder to join video call 
  • Appointment confirmed 
  • New appointment scheduled 
  • Appointment updated 
  • Appointment cancelled 
  • New chat message received 
  • Form completion request 
  • New comment on entry 
  • Payment requested (payment request or invoice sent) 
  • Payment reminder 
  • New program module available 
  • Nudge to complete program 
  • Package purchased confirmation 
  • Client invited to Healthie 
  • Reminder to complete intake flow 
  • Password reset 
  • Goals reminders (general & custom reminders) 
  • Care plan created 
  • Folder, document, or form shared 
  • New Superbill 
  • Credit card expiring notice 

Filtering sent notifications 

You may filter the list of notifications by notification type, status, and date range. 

Notification type categories include: 

  • All notifications (default) 
  • Appointments 
  • Billing 
  • Documents & Forms 
  • Programs 
  • Other notifications

Statuses include: 

  • All (default)
  • Sent: indicates that the notification successfully sent via Healthie 
  • Delivered: indicates a notification was received by your client 
  • Bounced: indicates a notification was not received by your client (ie. an email bounced) 


At this time it is not possible to track whether a client has opened an email or message. Tracking "Opens" could potentially lead to "Phishing Notifications" appearing on Healthie-sent emails, which may prevent clients from viewing Healthie-generated email notifications. For this reason, we only track if emails are successfully delivered, not opened. We'll update this article in the future as we add additional insights & data tracking to client notifications. 

Client not receiving Healthie invite and/or emails 

If your client has reported that they did not receive their invite email, or additional email communication from Healthie, please try the following: 

  • View "Notifications History" as detailed above > Locate "Client Invited to Healthie" 
  • Check to see the status of this email (Sent, Delivered, Bounced) 

If the email was "Sent" but not delivered, please be sure that you have the correct client email on file. 

If the email was "Delivered" but client does not see it, direct them to check their Spam folder. They should also add your email address to their contacts and ensure that your email is not marked as Spam.

If the email bounced, please be sure that you have the correct client email on file. 


There are several ways that a client can be added to Healthie, and in some instances, they may not automatically receive the Healthie Invite email. You can send (or resend) their email, or even reset their password. Learn how

In the event that your client is still unable to receive email addresses, email 

Failed Client Notifications (SMS and/or Email)

If an SMS and/or email has failed to be delivered, a red notification circle will appear in the client's profile, as a way to notify the provider.

Click the notifications link to display the side panel, and filter by status " Bounced" to review all failed notifications. 

A status of Bounced will indicate that the SMS and/or email was not able to be delivered to the client. Mostly commonly, this is related to an incorrect phone or email address. You can update a client's contact information at any time by navigating to Actions > Client Info > Information

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