Sandbox API Keys and Webhook Generation

Healthie is an API-first company and our API product is the same that our own front-end developers use to build our web and mobile apps. Here is an overview of our features available through the API.

Our API is an available add-on for members on our Enterprise Plan. For users with API access, an API Key can be generated in association with Healthie's Production or Sandbox environment. 

This article covers how to self-generate an API Key (or Webhook) in a Healthie Sandbox account.

Looking for Production Keys? Learn how to generate Production API Key(s) and/or Webhooks.

Generate Sandbox API Key(s) 

Self-serve API Keys and Webhooks can be self-managed using the following steps: 

Please reach out to the Healthie Marketplace Team at for the Sandbox Terms of Use and License Agreement for Technology Partners. Healthie provider customers may proceed below.

1. Create a Healthie Sandbox account here (if you don't already have one)

Be sure to select “Digital Health Startup” in the exploring Healthie option. 

You may have made a Healthie account already on this page, but please note that is our Production environment. To make a Sandbox key, you'll need to make a Sandbox login. 

Tip: Each unique email address from your team that wants a key will need to be added to your Sandbox environment as a team member. Please don't confuse your Production vs. your Sandbox keys! 

2. Create a new API Key 

  • Log in to your Healthie Sandbox account
  • Navigate go to Settings > Developer > API Key  
  • Add API Key > Give your key a name > Create API Key

3. Once armed with your API Key, then go to the API Explorer Page page to get started. 

Paste your Sandbox API Key > Launch Explorer

Create Sandbox Webhook(s)

To create a new Webhook in Sandbox:

  • Log in to your Healthie Sandbox account
  • Navigate go to Settings > Developer > Webhook  
  • Add Webhook 

You'll be prompted to Create a Webhook URL (ie.

Select your Webhook Event Type (this is required)  

  • appointment.created
  • appointment.deleted
  • appointment.updated
  • applied_tag.created
  • applied_tag.deleted
  • form_answer_group.created
  • form_answer_group.locked
  • form_answer_group.deleted
  • form_answer_group.signed
  • message.created
  • message.deleted
  • metric_entry.created
  • metric_entry.updated
  • metric_entry.deleted
  • cms1500.created
  • cms1500.updated
  • cms1500.deleted
  • patient.created
  • patient.updated
  • goal.created
  • goal.updated
  • goal.delated
  • entry.created
  • entry.updated
  • entry.deleted
  • comment.created
  • comment.updated
  • comment.deleted
  • goal_history.created
  • conversation_membership.created
  • conversation_membership.viewed
  • conversation_membership.updated
  • conversation_membership.deleted
  • task.created
  • task.updated
  • task.deleted 
  • billing_item.created
  • billing_item.updated
  • document.created
  • document.updated
  • document.deleted
  • requested_form_completion.created
  • requested_form_completion.updated
  • requested_form_completion.deleted
  • policy.created
  • policy.updated
  • policy.deleted
  • insurance_authorization.created
  • insurance_authorization.updated
  • insurance_authorization.deleted
  • lab_order.created
  • lab_order.updated
  • lab_result.created
  • dosespot_notification.created
  • charting_note_addendum.created
  • charting_note_addendum.updated
  • charting_note_addendum.deleted
  • care_plan.created
  • care_plan.updated
  • care_plan.deleted
  • requested_payment.created
  • requested_payment.updated
  • medication.created
  • medication.updated
  • received_fax.created
  • goal_history.deleted
  • recurring_payment.created
  • recurring_payment.updated

Disable or Delete Webhook(s)

To disable or delete a Webhook in Sandbox: 

  • Log in to your Healthie Sandbox account
  • Navigate go to Settings > Developer > Webhook  
  • Locate the Webhook > [...] > Edit or Delete 

If disabling the Webhook: 

  • Edit the Webhook 
  • Make sure the "Enabled" checkbox is deselected 
  • Edit Webhook button to save changes

Enable Team Members to Generate Sandbox API Keys & Webhooks

Once an API Key is generated for a specific user, it cannot be transferred to a different user. 

To give a team member permissions to generate API Keys in your Healthie Sandbox account, please complete the following steps: 

  • Add the user to your Sandbox account: Organization > Members > Add Organization Member 
  • Edit their member permissions to enable the setting "Can view and manage developer features (webhooks, API keys, etc)"
  • Save the member permissions
  • The team member will now be able to log into their account, and self-generate an API key. 

For questions on how team members can generate API keys on Production, email


Can I add additional providers in my sandbox environment to test the experience?

Yes, this is possible, via the UI in the sandbox (here are instructions). Please ignore any billing prompts you may see about being charged for additional seats. 

What is best practice in terms of assigning sandbox API keys for partners?

We would recommend different API keys per partner. 

API keys are scoped to a user account, and take on the permissions of that account. That means you can also set up "integration user accounts" with lower permissions, and provide the partner an API key from that.

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