Search and Filter for Team Members

Healthie enables organizations with multiple providers, clinicians, team members, and assistants to coordinate with each other to provide collaborative care to clients. 

Account administrators for a multi-provider plan are able to manage the team members added to their account.

This article covers how to leverage member filters to quickly identify team members that meet certain criteria. 

Filter Team Members

  • From Organizations > Select Members tab
  • Click the All Filters button

A side panel will appear with different categories of Filter options.

Expand the filter options where needed, and select the criteria you wish to filter for, including: 

  • Member Status (active or inactive) 
  • Member Tags
  • State(s) the member is licensed in (State Licensure)
  • Locations the member has availability set for

Remove Member Filters

Once filters are added, they will display at the top of the member's page. Click the X next to a filter in order to remove it as a filtering criteria. 

Click All Filters to adjust, or clear, all filtering options. 

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