E-Rx: Pediatric Requirements for Prescribing

Healthie offers a E-Rx integration with Dosespot / SureScripts as an add-on to your Healthie plan, which enables clinical providers to prescribe medications electronically on behalf of their patients. 

Surescripts requires e-Prescriptions sent for pediatric patients (defined as ages 18 and younger – up until their 19th birthday) to include a height and weight. This is a firm requirement across all prescribers; it was implemented in September of 2021 as part of the Surescripts update to SCRIPT Standard v2017071 which followed NCPDP regulations to maintain compliance.

Client's 18yo and under are required to have a documented height & weight on file otherwise E-Rx cannot be accessed. This requirement cannot be bypassed. Please ensure that any pediatric patients have their date of birth, height and weight documented within their Healthie profile

If preferred, you can adjust the settings for your client's profile, to ensure that height and weight are not visible

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