Getting Started: Metrics

Tracking several different metrics, tailored to the individual, offers a way to measure overall progress in time and can drive client results. With Healthie’s Metric feature, providers can monitor and graph metrics like weight, height, BMI, or body fat percentages as well as create custom metrics to track for each client. 

Also, Healthie Metrics can be viewed and tracked from both desktop and mobile devices, for convenient logging. Healthie's metrics platform syncs with devices and platforms like Fitbit, Apple Health, GoogleFit, and iHealth scales to automatically pull in client information for your review. 

Default Metrics Available in Healthie 

The Healthie platform by default makes certain metrics available to both wellness providers and clients for tracking. These metrics are designed to help provide your clients with insights into their own health and serve as a way to motivate them by seeing progress over time. For wellness providers, seeing the trends in these metrics provide valuable insights into your client's clinical picture, health status, and progress. Learn how to view your client's logged metrics here

To view the default metrics available: 

  • Navigate to the gear icon near your profile picture within Healthie 
  • Select "Settings" from the drop-down > Features > Journal Entries 
  • Scroll down to the "Metrics" section

The default metrics included in the Healthie platform include: 

  • Weight - trend a client’s weight (in kilograms or pounds, whichever you prefer over time). Weight entries logged within the Healthie platform will be used to automatically update other weight-dependent client metrics such as BMI, BMR (Mifflin-St Jeor Equation), BMR (Harris-Benedict Formula), and Growth Charts.
  • BMR - the Healthie Metrics platform automatically uses the variables of height, weight, age, and gender to calculate Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) using the Mifflin-St Jeor Equation. Keep this metric viewable or hidden from clients, and leverage the calorie range to customize your client’s nutritional plan.
  • BMR (Harris-Benedict) - the Healthie Metrics platform automatically uses the variables of height, weight, age, and gender to calculate Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) using the Harris-Benedict equation. Keep this metric viewable or hidden from clients, and leverage the calorie range to customize your client’s nutritional plan.
  • Percent Body Fat - used in conjunction with a weight, changes in body fat can better showcase trends in body composition over time. And weights tend to fluctuate due to fluid shifts, but a consistent trend down in percent body can be a reliable indicator of progress.
  • Waist Circumference - tracking waist circumference over time can motivate clients towards a healthier weight, and reduced risk for disease in the future. Nutrition professionals commonly measure and track waist circumference along with weight and body fat percentages to show clients a snapshot of their current physical status.   
  • Caloric Requirements - The Mifflin-St Jeor Equation is a widely used tool to determine an individual’s basal metabolic rate (BMR) and daily kilocalorie requirements. The estimated BMR value is multiplied by a number that corresponds to the individual’s activity level. The resulting number is the recommended daily kilocalorie intake to maintain current body weight. The Mifflin-St Jeor Equation may be used to assist weight loss — by reducing the kilocalorie intake numbers below the estimated maintenance intake of the equation.
  • BMI Graph - based on provider-logged height and weights, Body Mass Index (BMI) automatically is calculated and trended on a graph which each new weight entry. BMI is typically required when submitting CMS1500 claims to insurance companies. Choose to make BMI visible, or hidden from clients, depending on your counseling approach and client-goals (see below: "Hiding metrics from client view"). This can be connected to charting via a Smart Field.
  • Growth Charts - for infant and children (height, weight and BMI percentiles). Based on CDC + WHO, Healthie’s growth charts can be used for infants (under 2 years old) and pediatric clients. Growth charts will automatically plot and trend with each new height or weight metric entry. Pediatric dietitians, pediatric nutritionists, and lactation consultants commonly track growth. In Healthie, providers can chart their clients’ growth alongside their charting notes. This makes it even easier to send consultation notes, including growth charts, to referring providers, like your client’s pediatrician
  • Oxygen Saturation Levels (%) 
  • Body Temperature (Fahrenheit) 
  • Blood Pressure - diastolic and systolic 
  • Hemoglobin a1C - keep track of your client's average blood glucose, or blood sugar, level over the past 3 months.
  • Blood Sugar Levels - track blood sugar levels for patients with diabetes, to help work towards improved glucose control. 

Distinguishing Metrics Entered by Client vs Provider

In some cases, you may want to track and graph metrics separately from your client. For example, if your client independently weighs themself, you can allow them to log their weights separately from your in-session weights. Use the same metric within Healthie, but the graph results will show both of your metrics separately over time. 

Graphs automatically display separate provider-entered metrics from client-entered metrics. This will allow providers to distinguish from self-reported metrics versus metrics obtained during a session.  

To enable or disable this setting: 

  • Navigate to the gear icon near your profile picture within Healthie 
  • Select "Settings" from the drop-down > Journal Entries 
  • Scroll down to the "Metrics" section
  • Check/uncheck the box "Separate provider-entered metrics from client-entered metrics on graphs" 
  • Scroll down to the bottom and click the blue "Save" button

When checked, this setting will display provider entries on a separate bar graph.

Add or Edit a Client Metric

To enter a new metric value:

  • Go to a particular client's profile > Metrics tab 
  • Click the blue "Create Entry" button
  • Select the metric you'd like to log from the drop-drown (ie. weight) 
  • Enter the details of your metric (ie. 160) 
  • Adjust the date/time by clicking the blue pencil icon (optional) 
  • Add a comment (ie. on office scale)
  • Click "Post Entry" to save 

Note: the units are automatically displayed for you, you do not need to enter them (ie. do not write "lbs")

Learn more about managing metrics on both web and mobile. 

To edit an existing metric, you will go to the client's journal where all the individual metric entries have been recorded. You will find the entry you need to update and then select "Edit" in the top right corner. From there, all the fields of the metric entry will be editable, for you to change the data captured or the value itself.

Create a Custom Metric

You can add an unlimited amount of metrics within Healthie, for either you and/or your client to track. To add your own metric: 

  • Navigate to the gear icon near your profile picture within Healthie 
  • Select "Settings" from the drop-down > Journal Entries 
  • Scroll down to the "Custom Metrics" section
  • "Add Metric" 
  • Scroll down to the bottom and click the blue "Save" button

Common metrics added within Healthie: 

  • Sleep (hours)
  • Stress levels (rated 1 - 10)
  • Hydration (cups per day, est.)
  • Blood Pressure
  • Blood Glucose 
  • Hemoglobin a1C
  • Cholesterol 
  • Triglycerides
  • Vitamin levels (ie. Vitamin D, B12, B6, Iron) 

Learn more about editing custom metrics here.

Providing Feedback on Client-Entered Metrics

If you've enabled your clients to log entries, they can do so when logged into their Healthie Client Portal from the web browser or mobile app. 

From mobile, clients can tap the "Metrics" icon on their client dashboard. From the drop-down, they can select any metrics that you've enabled them to track. They can add the value, and a comment, and post the metric. 

Newly added metrics will appear in your provider "newsfeed," and you can provide a comment or quick-reaction directly on each metric to provide feedback or support to a client as needed. 

Disable Clients from Viewing/Tracking Metrics

There may be certain metrics that you would not like to appear for all clients or particular clients. For example, if you work with eating disorder clients, you may not want them to be able to log, or view, any weight-related metrics. 

What is "Eating Disorder Default"? 

The "Eating Disorder Default" button turns off metrics tracking and taking "selfies" - it also adjusts the food-logging to ask for "pre-meal hunger" and "post-meal fullness" on a scale of 1-10. 

To adjust these default settings on a  global level (for all of your clients) 

  • Navigate to the gear icon near your profile picture within Healthie 
  • Select "Settings" from the drop-down > Journal Entries 
  • Scroll down to the "Metrics" section
  • Check or uncheck the settings boxes next to each metric 
  • Scroll down to the bottom and click the blue "Save" button

Note: By default, these settings will only apply for NEW clients. If you have existing clients, you will need to customize settings for each particular client (using instructions below). Please message Healthie support if you'd like us to retroactively apply entries settings for your existing clients.  

To adjust these settings for an  individual client: 

  • Click on the Client's profile > Actions> "Settings" 
  • Scroll down to the "Metrics" section 
  • Adjust a client's particular settings by checking/unchecking the metrics you'd like them to track

Syncing Wearable Fitness & Health Tracking Devices

Healthie also integrates with wearables like Fitbit, Apple Health, GoogleFit, and iHealth scales. When linked through our integrations, metric values will automatically input from your client's smart device, into their Healthie Client Portal, for you to view. If your client's journal entry has come from an integration, a tag will appear next to the journal entry indicating that the entry came from a sync from an external device. 

For your convenience, journal entries and metrics will show the source. This will allow you to distinguish if the entry/post was logged by yourself, another provider, your client, or a specific wearable fitness device. 

If you have a specific wearable that you'd like Healthie to integrate with, let us know:

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