June 2024: Release Notes

Platform Release Notes: June 2024. Learn what new changes to the Healthie platform and mobile app that both providers and clients can expect to see. With new releases each week, make the most of Healthie's new features by bookmarking this help article and checking back frequently.

Update to charting note headers

We've made an update to how (and when) charting note headers display: 

When a provider downloads a PDF version of a patient charting note, a full header will be added to the document. This includes the following patient details: 

  • Name 
  • Gender
  • Age 
  • DOB

When a provider shares a charting with a patient (including preview of note), the business letterhead can be included, but no patient details will be displayed. 

Here is an example of a downloaded charting note PDF: 

Here is an example of a charting note that is being shared with a patient (this is a preview of what the patient will see).

Org Member Permissions: Organization Tab Access

Organizations now have the option to disable the ability for non-admins to view the organization tab in the menu bar.

Within the organization settings there is now an option for "Can View Organization." When selected, that user will be able to see the organization tab in their menu bar. When the "view organization tab" is deselected, the user will not have access to the tab in the menu bar.

Notable Updates

  1. "Can View Organization" Tab added to permissions: When clicked, this checkbox disables the Can Add Members, Can Edit Members, and Can View Calendar checkboxes. Users won't see the org tab, and will be redirected to Home if they try to access urls directly.
  2. Users won't see tabs they don't have access to (if they can see org tab and can edit members, but can't view calendar, they will only see Settings and Members Tabs and won't see the Calendar tab).
  3. Updating a standard or support org member to non admin disables the 'Can view organization tab' permission

By default, all non-administrators will have this setting turned "OFF". By default, administrators will have this settling turned "ON".

Learn more about managing user permissions here.

Optional Diagnosis Field in Group Charting Notes

When enabled, organizations can now make the diagnosis field in group charting notes optional. This will allow providers to leave the field blank and to lock the charting note without an entry. This feature can only be enabled by contacting us at hello@gethealthie.com.

Standardize Name Format in Client List & Client Profile

We've standardized the naming format for patient names in both the client list and client profile. This enhancement will improve client search, reduce confusion around patients with similar names, and increase the likelihood that the client is referenced with the correct/preferred name.

Patient names have been standardized to follow the below format:

Legal First Name (First "Preferred" Name) Last Name

Examples: Katherine (Kate) Smith or William (Bill) Jones.

If there is no preferred name OR it matches Legal First Name, then it will be listed as:

Legal First Name Last Name

Examples: Katherine Smith, William Jones

When turned on, both the patient's full legal name along with their preferred name (in parenthesis) will be used any time more than one name is displayed. Where only one name is shown, if added, the patient's preferred name will be used instead of their legal name.

Every Account will have an Organization

At the time of sign-up, all new Healthie users will be auto-provisioned with an Organization.

Current Healthie users without an Organization will need to create Organizations for their accounts. Setting up an Organization will not impact workflows or subscriptions, rather you will notice some other exciting changes within your account like the Organization tab giving you the option to view to the Organization calendar, settings, and additional team members and to manage their permissions.

To create an Organization for your account now:

Gear Icon > Organization. 

Find step-by-step instructions for creating your Organization here.

Drag to reorder Organization Team Members disabled when filters are applied

When filters are enabled, Providers can no longer utilize the drag to reorder functionality when trying to reorganize Organization team members. To utilize the drag to reorder functionality, all filters will need to be cleared.

Learn more about rearranging team members here.

Additional Updates

Minor bug fixes. Thank you for taking the time to report these issues to our team, so that we could diagnose and address these for those affected. If any of these issues persist, please let us know by contacting us at hello@gethealthie.com.


  • Improved Google Calendar and Outlook calendar sync performance.
  • Made additional enhancements to appointment location filters.
  • Made an update to enhanced datepicker to support ISO format.
  • [Mobile] We have added a way to add duration to an appointment from the mobile app.
  • [Mobile] Providers can now mark appointments as occurred on mobile.
  • Resolved an issue with appointments marked as 'late cancellation' not showing as grey to denote the proper status.
  • Resolved an issue where synced appointments and provider blocks were not displaying on the org calendar.
  • Resolved an issue where group sessions including more than one provider or organization member were not appearing on the organization calendar when filtered by the additional providers/organization members.
  • Added smart selection in the time picker field to narrow the options as the user types.
  • Resolved an issue where 15 minute availability intervals were showing as 30 minute intervals on the calendar.
  • [Mobile] Made an update to support calendar color schemes.
  • Resolved an issue with zoom links in appointments changed from non-recurring to recurring. 
  • Resolved an issue where the custom time field was not honoring the required flag.
  • Resolved an issue where the appointment type was not displaying in the calendar for non-group appointments.
  • Resolved an issue so that appointments set to 'Late Cancellation' are removed from all external calendars the Healthie account is synced with.
  • Resolved an issue so that other org members will be notified of appointment bookings even if the provider has their notification setting turned off. 
  • Resolved an issue so that users can clear the End Date on recurring availability slots.
  • Resolved an issue where users were unable to toggle whether appointment types were Group or not and whether they were bookable.


  • Starter Plan members will now see the option to upgrade their plan to unlock CMS 1500 claims. Billing claims is a feature available on our Essentials Plan and above.
  • Resolved an issue so that the promo code dropdown is searchable.
  • Resolved an issue so that the exported Superbill header branding matches the preview.
  • Resolved styling issues in the Benefits section of Insurance Eligibility.
  • Resolved an issue so the "Insurance Authorization Required" checkbox can be enabled.
  • Updated our master auto-fill ogic to automatically check for an appointment tied to a CMS 1500, and if there is one, to automatically pull Billing items CMS 1500 section data from the appointment.
  • Unified how billing items are pre-filled for manual and auto-created CMS1500s.
  • Unified how the rendering provider is pre-filled for manual and auto-created CMS1500s.


  • Resolved an issue in chat where creating and editing a task resulted in the text disappearing.
  • Resolved an issue in chat where messages were remaining in the message box even after being sent.
  • Resolved an issue where users were unable to delete chat messages if there was a task associated with the respective message.


  • Made an update to preserve access to prior Zoom cloud recordings when the provider changes on a recurring appointment series.
  • Resolved an issue so that every meeting has a separate Zoom recording.


  • Resolved an issue with text not bolding when copied and pasted into charting notes. 
  • Resolved an issue so that updates to 'actions-allergies' menu are reflected in the charting view.
  • Resolved an issue so inactive medications no longer pre-fill charting notes.
  • Resolved an issue so that a new tab is triggered when trying to open additional documents from charting. 
  • Added the ability to filter chart notes by signed and locked status.
  • Resolved an issue where duplicate chart notes were being created for the same appointment.
  • Resolved an issue so that an additional Referring Physician should not be created if the existing one isn't changed by the client when completing the referral field in a form.


  • Resolved an issue so that a single user cannot have multiple enrollments into the same program.
  • Resolved an issue where the program form was opening with pre-filled values.
  • [Native Mobile] resolved an issue with custom meal entries.
  • Resolved an issue where the program form was opening with pre-filled values.
  • Resolved an issue so that when duplicate client accounts are merged existing course memberships are merged and course progress is preserved.
  • Resolved an issue with the Goals creation displaying in the side panel during video calls.
  • Resolved an issue so that all documents attached to the program module, regardless of who uploaded them, are visible in the document dropdown list 


  • Resolved an issue so that clients are charged the right amount on recurring Package payments regardless of whether they are charged immediately or not.
  • Resolved an issue so that Packages can be archived even if the price is lower than the fees and added an error banner if a user tries to reactivate a Package where the same is true.
  • Resolved an issue so that scrolling works properly in the 'Share Package' modal.


  • Added the ability to set time range in the FormBuilder question bank.
  • Made enhancements to the time picker field in FormBuilder.
  • [Mobile] Resolved an issue where forms with conditionally shown fields are not validating.
  • Resolved an issue with the data formats, specifically time and date, in the form fields.
  • Resolved an issue where the incorrect timestamp was displaying in the Require Client to Agree Field in forms.
  • Resolved an issue in forms where some of the gender options were not displaying when previewed and when generating a PDF.


  • Resolved an issue preventing tasks with a due date from being edited in the Safari browser.


  • Resolved an issue with authentication for Rupa accounts.

Care Plans

  • Resolved an issue where care team members were able to edit a care plan they didn't create but not able to upload a new document to the care plan.
  • Resolved an issue so that folders with duplicate names added to the documents section remain visible.


  • Resolved an issue with reports where the appointment breakdown was not properly displaying or updating based on filters in the appointment type breakdown section of the report.


  • Made an update to allow us to change how we pull and store Client Data to reduce repeated calls and improve performance. 
  • [Mobile] Resolved an issue with uploading documents to folders on mobile.
  • [Mobile] Resolved an issue with keyboard hiding text field when creating goals on mobile.
  • [Mobile] Resolved an issue when saving a client email on mobile.
  • We no longer support drag & drop images into Healthie Chat conversations. Use the "attach file" option to upload your images to the conversation.
  • URLs in Task descriptions are now clickable.
  • Tightened permissions for user group actions.
  • Made copy edits and updated text formatting for Office Ally.
  • Resolved an issue so that browsers automatically resize when "viewing all" tasks.
  • Standardized the Tab Component across the platform.
  • Resolved an issue so that all documents included in a care plan template are added to a client's file when a care plan is generated using the template.
  • Made an update to the email text generated when an external video chat URL is added to the appointment.
  • Resolved an issue so that the active org member permissions and permissions template have the same settings.
  • Resolved an issue so that Providers are able to see all permission templates when creating new members.
  • Resolved an issue with journal entries auto-scrolling to the top of the page at reload.
  • Resolved an issue in Documents where user lists were timing out and not loading when trying to share a folder.

API & SDK Updates

All features added this month are also available directly via the API. In addition, we are laser focused on building a best-in-class customer experience, which includes continuously investing in, and iterating on, our developer experience. This will include updates to documentation, SDKs, Webhooks and more, throughout the upcoming months.

Cursor Based Pagination

As part of our commitment to building a Stripe-like developer experience, we have rolled out cursor-based pagination for our API. This will make it easier to work with many pages of large data sets with faster data retrieval and more consistent query time.


  • Made an update to ensure that webhooks encountering an error are sent to the failed state.
  • Made an update to webhook event types query.
  • Resolved an issue where users with webhooks enabled for synced calendar events were not receiving webhooks.
  • Added a button to expire and create a new webhook signature secret.
  • Made an update so that the appointment.deleted webhook works with external synced events.

Past and Planned Updates

  • View all updates from last month here
  • See planned product updates on our Product Roadmap. Subscribe to roadmap items to get notified when they go-live.
  • Learn how to add comments and submit feedback to our Roadmap here
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