Build an E-Signature Form

As part of Healthie's intake form tool, you are able to build a read-only form that clients can then E-sign for your records. E-sign forms commonly include Notice of Privacy Policies, Cancellation Policies, and Office Policies. You may also want clients to sign off on the validity of their health history. 

You can require clients to Agree to a form, or section of a form, and add signature field(s) for clients, parents/guardians, and even providers to fill out. 

Create a Read Only Agreement Form

  • Navigate to Forms > Create Form 
  • Title your form accordingly 
  • From the Question Bank drop down on the upper left menu bar, choose Agreement
  • Drag and drop the Agreement Read Only field onto your form. Select "Edit" on the form filed. You'll now be able to copy and paste (or write) and policies directly into the field. 

Require Client to Agree

If you prefer, you can drag and drop the  Require Client to Agree field onto your form, which will require a client to "check-off" the box indicating that they've read your policy form. 

Add Signature Field(s) to Form

Forms can optionally be built to collect electronic signatures from clients, providers, and parents/guardians. The section below covers how to add signature fields to an Intake Form. 

Add a Signature Field for Client 

Drag the standard Signature field onto your form. It can be located in the Agreement Question Bank. You can optionally edit the field to change the label name (ie. to read Client Signature). 

If preferred, a Date field and an Open Answer field can be dragged onto the form as well. Edit the field label for the Open Answer field to request client type their full name, and date their form. These fields can be found in the Default Question Bank.  

Add a Signature Field for Parent / Guardian 

Drag and drop the Parent/Guardian standard field onto the form. The field label can be edited if preferred. This field will prompt the parent/guardian to type in their name (not e-sign). 

If a signature field is required, or additionally preferred here, another Signature field can be dragged on the form. 

Add a Signature Field for Provider 

In some cases, like a Case Agreement, you may also want the provider to sign the form. Repeat the steps listed above to drag a standard Signature field onto the form. 

If you want to Sign & Lock a charting note, please use this workflow: Lock & Timestamp Charting Notes

You can choose to Preview a form at any time to see how your form will appear to clients for completion (Options > Preview) 

View or Download a Completed Form

Completed forms can be viewed within the client's profile, and optionally downloaded as a PDF. 

Reset a Signature When E-Signing 

We get it, you may not always get the perfect signature on the first try when e-signing. To make life easier, you (or your clients) can easily reset your signature. Click the "reset" option above the signature field. Your signature will clear, and you can sign again. Click "OK" when you're happy with your signature. 

Questions about forms within Healthie? Send us an email

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