Healthie Documents: Best Practices

Healthie Documents, located on the main dashboard of your provider dashboard, makes it easy for you to store documents and share documents with other providers in your organization, and with clients.

Common use cases for documents include educational handouts, test results, lab work, recipes, meal plans, research articles, and even client education videos. 

Note: this article describes best practices for "General" documents. This is distinct from client-specific documents, which are held within a client's profile, which is a secure place to store lab reports, client-specific referrals from physicians, and other documents that contain client information. 


Best practices 

1. Create folders as you add resources.

This keeps your documents section organized. Learn how to create folders and subfolders. You can drag-and-drop resources into a folder, and even drag folders to reorder them within your library. 

2. Share folders with clients, not individual documents. 

Save time in the future by sharing entire folders with your clients. This way, if you add documents to this folder in the future, your clients will automatically receive them. If you instead share individual documents, you will need to share every document you upload with your clients. You can also automatically share resources with clients as they join Healthie. Learn how here

3. Sort your documents by name or date. 

Toggle between these 2 settings (document name or the date your document was uploaded) using the dropdown at the top of the Documents screen.

4. Automatically share a document or folder with clients

If you have a standard set of documents you share with all clients, you can automatically share a document or folder with your clients.

  • Navigate to the Documents section of Healthie. 
  • After you upload the document, click the 3 dots under the Actions column >> Share >> Click the box next to "Share with new clients when they join."

Documents FAQs

If you make a shared document private within a client's documents, does it delete from all clients' profiles (including from the original folder)?

Yes, making a document private will remove the document from everywhere else it lives in Healthie. 

If you delete a document in a shared folder, will it delete from all other clients' documents?

By deleting the document in the shared folder, will delete the original document in the main documents section.

Is it possible to view a document file without downloading it? 

No, it is not currently possible to view a document file without downloading it first. 

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