Sharing documents and folders with clients

Healthie enables you to automatically share documents with your clients, which are accessible through both the web platform and the Healthie mobile app. Common documents shared may include overview materials, recipes, and best practices.  

Note: The permission setting must be enabled for an organizational team member to be able to share documents/folders that are "owned" by others by going to Organization > Team Members > Member Settings > Permissions > Shared Organization Resources and checking the boxes for "Can view other org members Documents" and "Can edit folders documents uploaded by other org members."

Sharing resources (manually & automatically) 

You can easily share a resource or folder with a client(s) and even have certain resources automatically share with client(s). 

To manually share a resource or folder:

  • Click the "Actions" icon (three dots) next to the folder or resource you would like to share  
  • From the "Share With" drop-down, select the client(s) or client group(s)
  • Click the blue "Save" button

There are several automatic sharing features available: 

  1. Share with a group: a document/folder can be shared with a group of clients, by searching for your group in the "share with" section of the share settings. Whenever a new client is added into the group, the documents/folders that are shared with the group will automatically be shared with that client. Clients will be able to locate these resources when logged into their Healthie client account > documents. 
  2. Share with all active clients: this will allow you to make your resource available to anyone who is an active client (archived clients will not receive). Check the box next to "Share with all active clients" and use the x next to a client (or group) name to remove them from the list. Click "Save" 
  3. Share with all new clients when they join: every new client moving forward that is added to Healthie will automatically have access to this resource through their Healthie Client Portal. Check "Share with all new clients when they join" and click the "Save" button. 
  4. Share with other members of your organization: this allows you to automatically give access to specific resources for all members in your organization. Build a library of resources for consistency in care and support that is quickly and instantly accessible to your team. 

Unsharing resources

To unshare a document with select clients, groups, or team members, please click on the [...] in the last column of a document or Folder in your Documents Library >  then uncheck their name in the light blue box. This will rescind access to the document you have selected. 

Documents can be 'unshared' with an individual client directly from their profile as well: 

  • Navigate to your client's profile > Charting 
  • Select "Client Viewable Documents" 
  • Click the three dots (action tab) > Share 

Using the 'Share' option of the document and selecting the 'Stop Sharing' option in the pop up.

Additionally, if you delete a document from your Documents platform, if that document was shared with clients, the document will no longer be viewable by clients. 

Viewing resources in Healthie

If you would like to view a document, please click on the document, and it will open up, either on the same window, or in a different window in your browser.

If you try to view a document but are unable to view a document, it is likely related to a browser extension you may have enabled on your browser.

In this case, please go to a page like and see if you have any blockers or other similar add-ons installed.  

Your client's experience with Documents

When you share a new document with a client, they will automatically receive a notification email. Clicking the link within the email will prompt them to sign into their Healthie Client Portal (on web browser or mobile) where they will be able to view your shared resource. 

Learn more about clients viewing and uploading documents here

Documents FAQ

If I've shared a folder or document with a client within Healthie, if the document is moved to another folder, deleted, or changed in any other way, will the client still have access to the document? 

If you are sharing a document in a folder and if the document is deleted, the client will no longer have access to the document. If you are sharing the entire folder with the client that includes the document and if you move the document out of the folder, the client won't have access to it. If you delete a document, the client will not have access to it anymore. 

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