Goal completion rates and streaks

There are several features of the Goals Feature dedicated to client engagement that is visible when you go to your client’s chart and select “Goals.” You can see your client’s progress for the current day. By using the “Change Date” picker, you can see your client’s progress for the past week, month or a custom date range.


Goal completion rates

When a goal has been completed, it is kept in a client's record. For each wellness goal, you’ll see the percent of progress made towards completing their goal (0-100%). 

To see goal completion rates for an individual client, navigate to their chart > GOALS tab. You'll automatically see a list of active goals that have been created for your client for the day. To see all active goals, you can also use the date picker (the "Change Date" tab on top. Select the week, month or custom date range you'd like to view. The goal completion rate will automatically update based on the range. This can be useful in viewing an overall snapshot of your client's progress 

For even more insights, goals that have very little progress will be highlighted in red, moderate progress is yellow and mostly completed is green. Quickly glance through your client’s goals to identify where their accomplishments have been, and where they are still struggling. 

In follow-up sessions, you can use goals as a way to structure the flow of your session. Review the successes your client has had, and discuss the challenges. If a client was unable to complete a goal, identify the barriers and consider adjusting your goal to be more achievable. You can  edit a goal by clicking the three dots … in the “Actions” tab. Your client will not be able to edit goals that you’ve created, to allow you to maintain oversight and effectiveness of goal setting. 

Wellness Goals: Driving Client Success with Healthie's Goal Setting Platform

Goal streaks 

Within your client’s chart, you’ll notice the number of streaks on the top right. This number indicates how many times in a row a client has completed a goal. If they complete the same daily task 3 days in a row, they are on a streak! If they complete the same weekly goal 3 weeks in a row, they’ll start another streak. Clients will be able to see their streaks and feel motivated to consistently achieve their goals. This will lead clients in creating long-lasting, healthy habits. 

If you edit the name or description of the goal, this won't affect your client's streak, however if you change the frequency this will reset your client's streaks back to 0. 

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