Goals details page

Finding ways to asses your client's progress between wellness sessions is an essential part of working together. With more information, you can better detect where your client's struggles are with their goals, and where they are having success. With Healthie's Goals Details page, you'll be able to get an overview of each goal set for your client in the time-frame you select from that date picker. 

View goals details page for a client

When you navigate to the Goals page in your client's account, you can select a date range to view more information. 

Navigate to clients account > Goals 

Choose the date you'd like to review from the date picker 

Now you'll be able to go one step further, and click a specific goal to see every instance of the goal history during that time frame.
Click the 3 dots under the actions column next to the goal that you'd like to see more information on. 
A menu will pop-up, select "View Details" 

You'll now be able to view every instance of your goal in the date range you selected. If the checkmark circle for the goal is WHITE then it was not completed. It the checkmark appears DARK BLUE, then your client completed that goal on that date.

Use this information to assess trends and identify challenges for your client (ie. does your client struggle with a particular goal on the weekends? Did they complete their goal daily for a week and then fall off?)
These trends can be used to drive your sessions and work together, and help your clients be successful.

Tap the image below to watch a quick tutorial video: 

Goals details page

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