Editing documents in Healthie

If you have uploaded a file onto the Healthie platform in the documents portal, you will need to download it, edit and update it on a processor like Microsoft Word, and re-upload the document as a new file. 

Learn how to add a new document here

Within Healthie, you do have the ability to rename or delete a document from both the web browser and mobile app. 

To edit or delete a document from the web browser: 

  • Navigate to the "Documents" tab from the Healthie menu 
  • Click the actions tab (three dots) next to the document or folder
  • From the drop-down, select "Rename" or "Delete" 

If you've selected "Rename," you can edit the existing folder or document name and then click "Save." If you don't want to make any changes to the name, click "Cancel."  Keep in mind, clients will see the name of resources shared with them, so consider using a client-friendly title. 

If you've selected "Delete" a pop-up will appear asking you to confirm the action. Click "Delete." This action cannot be undone.  If your document or folder has already been shared with any clients or providers within your business, they will no longer have access to view this resource. 

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