Client Allergies, Sensitivities, and Food Preferences

Healthie enables wellness professionals to quickly document and review client allergies, food sensitivities, food intolerances, and food preferences. This client information is easily accessible so that it stays top-of-mind while making care recommendations. 

Manually Document Client Allergy/Sensitivity Data 

Client information relative to allergies and sensitivities are stored in the "Client Info" section of your client's profile. To access: 

  • Navigate to the "Clients" tab > Select your client 
  • Click "Actions" from the top menu 
  • Under "Client Info" scroll to the section > Allergies/Sensitivities
  • Click the Plus sign (+) to expand the section

Here you'll see data organized into 4 categories, including: 

  1. Allergies (both food and non-food allergies)
  2. Food Intolerances
  3. Food Sensitivities
  4. Food Preferences

Below we'll review each category, including which type of information can be stored in each section and how to manage this data.


The allergy section allows you to document a damaging immune response by the body to a substance, especially pollen, fur, a particular food, or dust, to which a person has become hypersensitive.

To add an allergy:

  • Click the "+Add" button
  • Select your allergy category (food, drug, environmental, pet, or latex)
  • Find your food item from the list and/or add an allergen
    • If your allergy does not exist, you can click "Add Custom Allergy" > type in your custom allergy name within the field
  • Select your client's reported reaction(s) and/or add a custom reaction. You can enter multiple reactions within this field.  
  • Indicate the severity of the allergy. 
    • Options include: unknown, severe, moderate, or mild. 
  • Click "Add allergy" button 

Note: Within Healthie you can quickly scroll through your client's documented list of allergies, intolerances, and sensitivities and gauge severity:

  • Severe: solid red circle 
  • Moderate: half-filled red circle 
  • Mild: empty red circle 

In addition, when a medication has been added to Allergies, the entire medication group will be flagged as an allergy during manual Charting Note creation regardless of the route of medication (when using e-prescribing). For example, if you list Penicillin (Oral Route) in Client Allergies, adding Penicillin (Injection Route) within the same client's Charting Note will be flagged.

Tip: Add the "Allergy" smart field to your charting note templates.

  • Locate your charting form in the Form Builder
  • From the Charting Question Bank > Drag & Drop the "Allergy field to your Form"

Client allergies will now sync between your charting notes for each client, and the client's profile.

Food Intolerances 

The Food intolerance category allows you to identify any foods that your client experiences the inability to process or digest, such as lactose. 

Next to the category name, a date will appear indicating the last time your list has been modified. 

To add a food intolerance: 

  • Click the "+Add" button
  • Find your food item from the list and/or add a custom food 
  • Select your client's reported reaction(s) and/or add a custom reaction. You can enter multiple reactions within this field.  
  • Click "Add food intolerance" button 

Food Sensitivities 

This category allows you to capture when a client experiences symptoms after consuming the food that are not related to food intolerances, food allergies, or celiac disease. 

Next to the category name, a date will appear indicating the last time your list has been modified. 

To add a food sensitivity: 

  • Click the "+Add" button
  • Find your food item from the list and/or add a custom food 
  • Select your client's reported reaction(s) and/or add a custom reaction. You can enter multiple reactions within this field.  
  • Click "Add food intolerance" button 

Food Preferences

In this section, you can capture food that a client reports liking, or disliking. This information can be particularly relevant when making nutritional recommendations or building a meal plan for your client. You can add as many foods to your food preference list as you'd like. Preferences will automatically store with "Likes" showing in a list on the top and "Dislikes" showing collectively below.

Next to the category name, a date will appear indicating the last time your list has been modified. 

To add a food preference: 

  • Click the "+Add" button
  • Find your food item from the list and/or add a custom food 
  • Check off "Like" or "Dislike" from the options > Click "Add food preference" button 

Edit or Delete an Allergy/Sensitivity or Preference

To modify a logged allergy, food intolerance, food sensitivity, or food preference, click the action tab (3 dots) next to the item. From the choices, select either "Edit" or "Delete" 

A confirmation screen will appear, asking you to confirm your choice to "Delete." This action cannot be undone. 

Automatically Collect Food Allergy/Sensitivity Data via Forms

Healthie's Form Builder allows you to add specific fields to your electronic paperwork. Fields have been added for: 

  • Allergy (food & non-food) 
  • Food sensitivity/Intolerance  
  • Food preferences

These fields can be added to any intake form, charting form, program form, assessments, and survey -- data collected from forms will automatically populate within your client's profile & store within their EHR. Revisit your client's profile at any time to review their food allergy details. 

To add these fields to a form: 

  • Navigate to Forms > Form Builder 
  • Create a new form or locate an intake/charting/program form that you would like to modify (ie. New Client Assessment Form)
  • From the Question Bank, select the "Charting" category >> scroll to find the relevant fields
  • Click + drag each desired field to the right, to drop it into your form. You can reposition the fields as needed by clicking and dragging to a new position in the form.

Learn how to add your assessment form/intake form into an intake flow, so that you can automatically collect this data during your client onboarding process. 

Review Collected Data in Your Client's Profile

Currently, information captured from intake forms or charting notes does not automatically populate into the client's profile. A forthcoming update will allow this information to sync with the client's profile. 

However, any allergy/sensitivity information that was manually added to the client's profile can be reviewed via the following steps: 

  • Navigate to the Clients tab > Locate your client 
  • Actions > Client Info 
  • Expand the "Allergies/Sensitivities" section 

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