Custom Metrics in Healthie

In addition to the default metrics included within the Healthie platform, you can add your own metrics that you would like to track for any or all of your clients. 


Add a New Custom Metric 

  • Navigate to the gear icon (top right corner) under Settings > Journal Entries
  • Scroll down to the "Custom Metrics" section
  • "Add Metric" 
  • Scroll down to the bottom and click the blue "Save" button

  • Common Metrics Added within Healthie 

    Any health or wellness value that can be quantified can be added as a custom metric. Some most commonly added metrics include: 

    • Sleep (hours)
    • Stress levels (rated 1 - 10)
    • Hydration (cups per day, est.)
    • Blood Glucose 
    • Hemoglobin a1C
    • Cholesterol 
    • Triglycerides
    • Vitamin levels (ie. Vitamin D, B12, B6, Iron) 

    Adjust Who Can View/Track a Custom Metric

    In some instances, you may not want to "hide" a metric from your client's view - or disable them from tracking, so as to not affect the data you have stored. 

    To adjust these default settings on a global level (for all of your clients) 

    • Navigate to the gear icon near your profile picture within Healthie 
    • Select "Settings" from the drop-down > Journal Entries 
    • Scroll down to the "Custom Metrics" section
    • Check or uncheck the settings boxes next to each metric 
    • Scroll down to the bottom and click the blue "Save" button

    For example, checking the box "Client can track and view" will allow clients to see all past entries for this metric, and allow them to add a new entry. When done on the global level, this will automatically apply to all NEW client accounts. If you have adjusted these settings for a particular client through their client profile, changing the global settings will not override their existing settings. 

    Adjust Metrics Settings for an Individual Client:

    • Click on the Client's profile > Actions > "Settings" 
    • Scroll down to the "Custom Metrics" section 
    • Adjust a client's particular settings by checking/unchecking the metrics you'd like them to track

    Custom Metrics for Organizations 

    If you'd like custom metrics from team member(s) to display in Form Builder, and be available to other organization members, admins can adjust the team member(s) settings to enable the setting "Shares Custom Metrics with the Entire Organization.

    Does your organization need help adding your custom metrics? Send us an email to for more support. 

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