Store and share a document with Client PHI in Healthie

Healthie enables you to store private documents, that are specific to an individual client, within a client's record. You can choose whether you'd like to keep a document loaded private for just your internal use, or share it with that specific client. Clients are also able to upload and share documents with you securely through the portal. 

These documents most commonly include: 

  • Lab reports or documents you have received from another medical company. 
  • Charting records you've received electronically (e.g., via E-fax)
  • Pictures or scans of files you take, that you'd like to permanently attach to a client's record

Note: This is a  separate feature from Healthie's Main's Document's Library. When you upload a document to a client's chart, by default it is locked and not visible to the client. Read through our "sharing & visibility permissions" section for more clarity. 


Upload a file to a client's chart

Navigate to  Client > Client Profile > Charting > View Documents

Here you'll see all documents that have been shared with this client. Scroll to the next section to understand the permission icons listed next to each resource and folder. 

To upload a new document: 

  • Click the "Upload Document" button 
  • Find your document on your local drive 
  • Click "Upload" (NOTE: uploaded documents are automatically not visible to clients)

Prior to uploading the document, you have the ability to set the status as "Visible to Client" or "Not Visible To Client." If you wish to upload a document to a client's chart, but not have it accessible or visible to them, please choose the "Not Visible" option. Additionally, if you are uploading multiple documents, your preference will apply to every item. 

You will then have the option to Share Document with this client -- click the actions tab (three dots) next to your uploaded resources and select "Share" from the menu. 

If you do this, they will receive an e-mail notifying them that you've shared a Document with them. If you do not share a Document with a client, they will not be able to view your upload, nor will they be notified you have uploaded a private document. Clients are able to view the documents that you have shared with them from their web portal or from the mobile apps

Within actions, you will also see the option to include a document within a client's chart note. If you'd like to include the document as part of a chart note, select "Include in [Client Name's] Chart

Understanding sharing & visibility permissions 

There are different icons listed next to each document/folder that will indicate 1) visibility to client and 2) sharing ability. 

  • Green eye icon indicates that the document/folder is VISIBLE to your client 
  • Red cross-out eye icon indicates that the document/folder is NOT VISIBLE to your client 
  • Lock icon indicates that you've converted the document as a "private document" and it is restricted to only this specific client. This prevents the document from being shared with anyone else.

Note: By default, all documents that are uploaded directly within a client's chart are not visible to the client and are locked. You can change the visibility by clicking the action tab (three dots) and clicking "Make Visible to Client." Once a document is "locked" this status cannot be saved. If you'd like to share a document with other clients, please do so by going to your Documents Library and uploading the resource there.  

How clients can upload and share documents with you

Clients can upload and share documents to share with you, that are not able to be shared with anyone else. Here is a guide you can share with clients on how they can upload and share documents with you.

When a client uploads a document to their record, you will receive an e-mail notification that this has occurred, and you will be able to view it within their Client Record. 

Fax a document from a client's chart

Within the overview of Client Documents, you will see an option to Send a Fax of a private document. Clicking on this will initiate the Send a Fax process. 

Include document in client's chart 

Documents are organized in two different ways within Healthie: 1) General documents in your Documents Library 2) Documents within your client's profile. 

Within your client's profile (Clients > Select Client > Documents), practitioners are able to:

  • View documents that you have shared with a specific client (ie. resources from your Documents library) 
  • Upload private documents to a client profile (ie. assessments from other practitioners) 
  • View documents that your client has uploaded and shared with you 

Click the "Actions Tab" (three dots) next to a document within your client's profile will review actions you can take, such as "Include Document in Client's Chart"

This action will allow you to automatically upload a document as a note within your client's chart. This will make it quickly accessible while charting -- and facilitate more comprehensive charting review (ie. add in e-Labs, assessments, testing results, etc). 

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