Quick Profile & Quick Notes

Quick Profile allows you to retrieve relevant information that may be useful as you are charting and / or taking additional actions on a client. This enables you to have important information on a particular client at your fingertips for faster reference to complete actions required for client care. 


Information displayed within "Quick Profile" 

Specifically, Quick Profile enables you to reference fields that may include:

  • General information:
    • Client Information: Profile picture, Full Name, E-mail address, Phone Number, Group, DOB (age), Last Height, last Weight
    • Tasks related to a client
    • Quick notes
    • Appointments
    • Insurance Authorization & benefits details (if on file for a client)
    • Packages
    • Financials
    • Local time for your client (based on their time-zone) & client time-zone
  • Goals: Recently completed and outstanding goals of a client
  • Entries: Recent journal entries uploaded by a client
  • Forms: Recently completed forms by a client, which will load in a new browser tab when clicked. 

How to display/hide a Quick Profile 

You can access Quick Profile within a Chart Note of a particular client.

Click the "Quick Profile" icon on the top-right while charting. A panel will slide out, showing general information, goals, entries, and past completed forms for a client. You can click the icon again to have the Quick Profile hide again. 

Ways to utilize Quick Notes

Quick Notes can be used to store and quickly retrieve general information about a client, that does not need to be included in a chart note. For example, if you would like to keep track of specific facts about a client that you can quickly refer back to in subsequent sessions, quick notes can be used. 

These notes can be seen in the client overview, charting, and in a created appointment. 

Quick notes are private, and cannot be seen by the client. Quick notes save automatically when you type, and there's no need to press "Save"

Within an organization, multiple members of all permission levels can add, edit, and delete content within quick notes. 

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