Having others pay a client invoice

Healthie's Invoicing Platform allows providers to send invoices to clients for specific one-time payment instances, outside of Client Packages. While typically a client will pay their own invoice, there may be instances where you'd like to send the invoice to someone besides the client. 

Use cases include: 

  • A parent/guardian pay an invoice for a minor 
  • Another family member or patient pay the invoice 
  • An employer is covering the expense for an employee (ie. corporate wellness services) 
  • Invoicing an organization/company as opposed to an individual  

Healthie enables providers to create, send, and receive payments from outside contacts, for a comprehensive payment management system. Keeping all payment transactions documented within Healthie, allows for accurate financial reporting & oversight. 

Create & send an invoice for another contact to pay

The generals of creating an invoice are outlined in this article

In order to have the invoice send & be payable to someone else: 

  • Click within the "Recipient" field
  • If the contact that you'd like to have pay the invoice is also listed within Healthie, you can search and find the contact 
  • Alternatively, select "Other Recipient" 

Once "Other Recipient" is selected, complete the following information: 

  • Name (can be an individual name, company, employer, etc) 
  • Email address (optional) 
  • Address (optional)
  • Sender (required) 

Note: if you'd like the invoice to send electronically & be paid online, an email address must be provided. Without an email address, you can print the invoice. A mailing address can be optionally included, to create a professional invoice when sending to a company/organization. Invoices can only send electronically, they will not send to a mailing address unless you print & mail the invoice manually. 

The "Other Recipient" will NOT have a Healthie client account created for them. Moreover, they will NOT need to log into an account in order to pay the invoice. In addition, if "Other Recipient" is chosen for an Appointment Invoice, "Package" type cannot be selected.

After completing the invoice details, there is the option to preview the invoice, and then create it. 

Once created, providers are able to: 

  • Email the invoice to the contact (if an email address was included) 
  • Download/Print the invoice

Manage Invoices 

An invoice that has someone other than the client listed as the recipient can be accessed/managed from: 

  • Billing > Payments > Select the Invoices Tab from the top menu
  • Click the actions tab (three dots) next to the invoice to: 
    • Edit the invoice 
    • Preview & Share the invoice (ie. email it to the recipient) 
    • Record an outside payment, including partial payments

All paid invoices/payments can be tracked by running Healthie's Payment Report

Receiving payment for invoices

If the email address for the "Other Recipient" was included, and the invoice was shared with the contact, the contact will receive an email notification with the option to > View Invoice & Pay

Clicking the payment button will securely display an invoice payment page in a new browser tab. The recipient will be able to enter a credit card & expiration date in order to fully pay the invoice. Paying an invoice will NOT create a Healthie client account for the payer.  

The funds will be automatically transferred to the bank account linked with your Healthie provider account. 

The invoice status will automatically be updated as "Fully Paid" 

All paid invoices/payments can be tracked by running Healthie's Payment Report. The "Other" payer's name will display in association with the payment within the report. 

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