Deep dive: Payments Report

Healthie's Payment Report in particular is helpful for understanding your year-end revenues, processing fees, and other pertinent business information.

Leveraging the Payments Report

The Payments Report makes it easy to understand:

  • How much you have earned (in a given date range)
  • Promo codes popularity and utilization
  • Packages popularity and utilization
  • Segmentations by client, group, package
  • Transfer to your bank account 

Accessing your Payments Report

Navigate to Reports tab within your account > Payments Report > Filter by Date Range

This report can be run for individual members or for an entire organization.

Once the report is generated it will appear in your Documents tab > Generated Reports folder, titled by report name and today's date.  

Columns in the Payments Report:

  • Transaction Date & Time
  • Transaction Type
  • Unique ID
  • Client
  • Client Group
  • Provider Receiving Payment (details below)
  • Transaction Initiated By
  • Client's Provider (Provider that the client is assigned to in Healthie)
  • Original Price
  • Promo Code
  • Promo Code Value
  • Promo Code Discount
  • Gross Amount Paid
  • Stripe Fee
  • Net Amount Received
  • Currency
  • Payment Type 
  • Item Purchased (pulls a description from invoiced payments) 
  • Billing Frequency
  • Billing Period
  • Note
  • Invoice Id
  • Bank Transfer Type
  • Bank Transfer Initiated
  • Bank Transfer Status
  • Bank Transfer Expected
  • Tax Charged
  • Failure Reason

Provider Receiving Payment

This data point reflects the provider who will get paid for the service. This is determined via the package link that's shared or the dropdown when you input a charge from the provider's side. The recipient can be selected via the package link that's shared or the dropdown when you input a charge from the provider's side.

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