Track medication adherence via goals

You can leverage Healthie's Goals platform to track medication adherence. Here are some tips & best practices to do this on the platform.

Create a daily goal and add sub-goals to remind your clients when they should take their medications. 

  • Click on the Goals tab of a client's Healthie profile. By default, both providers and clients have the ability to create a goal. 
  • Click "Create Goal" and a goal creation tool will appear
  • Enter the client's medication, description, and how frequent the client should track the goal
  • To save, hit the blue "Create Goal" button. 

Here are a few examples:

You can create a Daily goal for a specific medication and set daily reminders for clients to track their medications: 

You can create a Daily goal for Medications and add subgoals for each medication that the client takes:

You can create a Weekly goal for clients to track their medication and include subgoals for the clients to mark off complete each day. 

Best practices & additional resources

  • Leverage medication history to collect medication information from clients
  • Leverage Goal Favorites if you have clients that have similar medications and/or similar regiments
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