Claim Forms: Add a New Service Facility (including Telehealth)

The "Service Facility" is where the services were rendered in relation to the CMS 1500 claim. 

If you don't yet have a Service Facility in your Healthie account, you can add one by selecting the "Add New Service Facility" option in the dropdown menu below. You can have multiple Service Facilities. 

The following information will need to be populated for the Service Facility to be added: 

  • Facility Name: be specific so that you can distinguish between your locations
  • Place of Service (POS): The "Place of Service" represents the location in which the service was provided. 
    • Each insurance payer may have a difference preference in how POS is entered for virtual services.
    • Oftentimes providers will require POS 02 Telehealth as the Place of Service Code. 
    • However, if the telehealth services are being provided within the patient's home, POS 10 may be more appropriate.
  • Address: even if your services are being provider virtually, you will need to provide an address for the place of service. 
  • ID Number Type: please provide an identification qualifier, such as your NPI number 

You can find more detailed information on using Place of Service Codes on the CMS website

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