Claim Forms: Service Facility - Box 32

The "Service Facility" is where the services were rendered in relation to the CMS 1500 claim. 

The Healthie Service Facility section > Populates Box 32 on claim form

Here is the information that you will be prompted to input when completed the Service Facility. 

  • Facility Name 
  • Address
  • Place of Service (POS) Code 
  • ID Number Type (NPI number of Other ID) - you must make a selection
  • Other ID qualifier number (select an option from the drop-down) 
  • NPI number associated with the facility (ie. NPI Type 2 if you have one) - if you enter NPI details, you will not need to enter Other Qualifier ID

Note: If Box 32 has the exact same information as Box 33, the clearinghouse will generally remove that from the EDI file.

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Add Your First Service Facility (or a New Service Facility)

If you don't yet have a Service Facility in your Healthie account, you can add one by selecting the "Add New Service Facility" option in the dropdown menu below. You can have multiple Service Facilities. Every time you add a service facility, it will appear in the drop-down the next time you complete a claim.  

Edit or Delete Service Facility 

If you've made a mistake, or there is a change to a service facility, you can edit a previous created facility. 

Select the facility in a claim form >  Edit Facility

Place of Service Code(s)

Place of Service Codes es should be used on professional claims to specify the entity where service(s) were rendered. Check with individual payers (e.g., Medicare, Medicaid, other private insurance) for reimbursement policies regarding these codes. A list of codes as provided by the CMS can be reviewed here

If you want to indicate telehealth as a Place of Service (POS) code, create a new facility and select the correct code. Follow the steps outlined here.

Remove NPI Number for Medicare Claims 

When adding a Service Facility, NPI number is a required field. However for Medicare billing, you may need to have NO NPI number associated with the facility. 

If this is the case, please send us an email to and request that a Service Facility be added to your account without an NPI number. Our support team will be able to add it on the back-end for you, and it will be rendered as a drop-down option for you to select. 

Please include the following Service Facility details in your email:

  • Facility Name 
  • Facility Address (Street, State, Zip) 
  • Place of Service Code 
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