Link Client Accounts to Indicate Relationship

When working with family members, you may want to add a family member to a client's account as a contact. This will allow the family member to receive email notifications (such as appointment reminders, payment receipts, Superbills, and more).

Alternatively, if you're working with multiple family members as clients, you may want to link their accounts to indicate relationship. This can be useful when working with both a parent and a child, spouses, etc. While linking family accounts will not impact your workflows or change the access the client's have to each other's accounts, it will allow you as a the provider to be reminded of a family relationship. 

If you'd like to associated/link an existing client account with another client account (new or existing) you may do so by navigating to their Client Profile > Actions > Client Info > Family and Contacts > + Link Client Account

When you select “Link Client Account,” you can link a new or existing client within Healthie to the account of Jenna. When you select “Add Contact,” you can add information for anyone associated to Jenna. You’ll have the option to share email notifications with the contact.

Search for and find your client from the list and click  Select Existing Client

You will not be able to modify any details about the existing client (ie. name and email) but you will be able to add the following details pertaining to the client you are adding to the account.  

  • Client Type: adult or minor (this 
  • Relationship:
    • Caregiver 
    • Child 
    • Dependent 
    • Family Member 
    • Legal Guardian 
    • Parent 
    • Spouse 
    • Other 
  • Option to make contact an Emergency Contact 
  • Option to send [Client] email notifications related to [Original Client]: this will ensure that any automatic emails that send from the Healthie platform (ie. appointment confirmations, reminders, invoices, etc) will be duplicated and sent to the email address of the linked client. 

Click Link Client Account when finished.

Add a New Client While Linking Accounts

When Linking Client Accounts > Select Add New Client

Complete the new client's details > Click "Add New Client" 

The option to send the client an Invite Email via Healthie is automatically selected (you may deselect if you prefer). The client will automatically receive a welcome email, inviting them to create a password and log into their Healthie Client Portal. 

Contacts and linked client accounts can be edited at any time. Click the actions tab (three dots) next to the contact, and select the option to "Edit" or "Remove Linked Client Account." This must be done from the client's account that was utilized to initially make the link. 

You'll now see an indicator that an account is linked to another, both from your Client List and from a Client's Profile. Hovering over the "Linked" icon will show the details about who the client account is linked to, and what the relationship is. Learn more. 

Add Portal Access for Linked Client Accounts for Family/Caregiver Support

Note: The capability to add client portal access for linked client accounts is currently available upon request for Healthie Plus Plans and above. You can get access to this feature by reaching out to Healthie Technical Support at, and asking for access to this feature.

Additionally, feel free to share your thoughts on this feature and how it could benefit your business via Productboard. We'll reach out to you directly as we roll out this feature to more customers. Please subscribe to our Portal Card for updates.

Healthie now offers the ability for users to grant linked account access to another user’s account. Before this capability, linked client accounts could receive a copy of email notifications, but there was no ability to access the linked account. This new capability provides such access.

A primary use case for this new capability is a caregiver having an account that is linked to a care receiver, such as a parent being linked to a child. A parent could access their child's account to pay a bill, fill out a form, or take care of another workflow.

As part of using this feature, providers should acknowledge that the linked user will have full access to the client’s account, which could potentially include sensitive personal information, and that they have taken the necessary steps to ensure compliance with any regulatory and organizational requirements.

You will now see a separate Client Portal Access section appear below  Client Information. Checking this box will allow you to provide this linked client account (caregiver) with the ability to have full personal access to the original client (care receiver) account.
Once you click on "Link Client Account," the linked Client (caregiver) will receive an invite email with a link to access the original Client's (care receiver's) account.

The linked Client (caregiver) will receive the following two emails to both "Accept Invite" for linking accounts and notification that depending on how this linking was set up, the linked Client (caregiver) may receive email notifications related to the original Client's (care receiver) account.

If the linked Client has access to the original Client (care receiver's) account, you would see a "Switch Account" option when the linked Client is logged in to their own account.

If you'd like to disassociate OR edit linked client accounts in Healthie, you can do so in the settings of the original client account (where you first added the linked family member). 

If you don't see the option to unlink or edit the linked client accounts, we suggest you check the other client's settings, and attempt to unlink from there. 

  • Client Profile > Actions > Client Info > Family and Contacts
  • Click the [...] next to the contact
  • Select Remove Linked Client Account or Edit

Additional Information

  • If family members are using the same e-mail address: Family members are able to toggle between their Healthie accounts.
  • Even when two accounts are linked, payment needs to be saved on a per client level. This is an added layer of protection as part of payment security procedures that we follow. 
  • Linked client accounts are not able to access each other's accounts (unless they share an email address). The exception for this is if you are currently enrolled in the "Portal Access for Linked Client Accounts for Family/Caregiver Support" Closed Beta Group.
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