View Multiple Chart Notes at Once

Healthie's charting feature allows providers to take notes on clients during or after a session, build customizable charting templates, and share chart notes with other providers via HIPAA-compliant E-fax. As a cloud-based EHR, you are able to log into your Healthie provider account from anywhere to access your records, without putting your client's private health information at risk. 

This article reviews how to create a new charting note for a client, and suggestions for post-charting workflows that can streamline your practice. 

Note: the option to create or view charting is not available in the mobile app. Charting can only be accessed from the web browser. 

View Multiple Chart Notes at Once

You also have the ability to have multiple charting tabs open simultaneously within the same charting session. This will allow you to toggle between different notes or intake forms (ie. a new chart note and past notes) for more efficient charting and workflows. You can open a new charting tab whether you are currently writing a new note or previewing a note. To open a tab: 

  • Go to Charting for a client > Choose "View Charting Notes" or Create Charting Note"
  • Click the "Plus" sign in the top menu (if you hover over it, it will read Create a New Tab") 
  • A menu will appear, prompting you to either CREATE a new note or to OPEN an existing form. If opening an existing form, select the form category from the drop-down (Intake form, Charting Note, or Program Form). Then select the specific document you'd like to open. 

Chart Note Versioning Notification

For many providers, having Healthie open in multiple browser tabs can be a useful part of their workflows. In the event that the same charting note is open for a client in multiple browser tabs, providers will now see a notification "Newer Version Available." 

This notification will alert the provider to the fact that there is a newer version of the note elsewhere open, and to prompt the provider to either: 

  • Overwrite the newer version of the note (keep the changes you've just made) 
  • Discard the changes and maintain the newer version of the note (discard the changes you've just made)

This notification will help ensure that important charting data is not lost, or duplicated. 

As a best practice, we highly recommend using Healthie's internal charting tabs option when charting to ensure that a charting note is only open once. 

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