Create a New Chart Note for a Client

Healthie's charting feature allows providers to take notes on clients during or after a session, build customizable charting templates, and share chart notes with other providers via HIPAA-compliant E-fax. As a cloud-based EHR, you are able to log into your Healthie provider account from anywhere to access your records, without putting your client's private health information at risk. 

This article reviews how to create a new charting note for a client, and suggestions for post-charting workflows that can streamline your practice. 

Note: the option to create or view charting is not available in the mobile app. Charting can only be accessed from the web browser. 


Create a Chart Note for a Client

To get started with a new client chart note, you can navigate to your client's profile within Healthie. 

Step 1: Open a New Charting Note 

Click the "Charting" tab from the client profile > Click "Create Charting Note"  

Step 2: Select Your Charting Template

From the drop-down, select the charting template that you'd like to utilize for this note. You'll see all of the charting templates that are automatically included in your Healthie provider account, along with any additional custom charting templates that you've created in the Form Builder. 

Have your own charting form that you'd like our team to create for you? Email us with a word doc or PDF version of your charting template. Our team can build your template for you within your account, this process typically takes 2 weeks. 

There is a charting setting that you can enable within Healthie that will allow you to set your DEFAULT charting template. To set a default, navigate to the gear icon on the top-right of your Healthie account > Setting > Calendar > Appointments Settings. Scroll down to "Default Charting Template" 

Tip: Enabling the "pre-fill" feature for your charting templates can save you significant time while charting. When pre-fill is turned on, information from your previous chart note will automatically pre-populate into your new note, which you can edit for your current session. 

Step 3: Write Your Note

Beyond the actual content of your chart note, you'll also be able to adjust the: 

  • Chart note name (click the pencil icon next to the name) 
  • Date of service (click the date to select a new date) 
  • Time of service (select a different time from the dropdown) 

Within text boxes in your chart, there are additional formatting options available to you, including: 

  • Bold, italic, underline text 
  • Adjust text color or background-color 
  • Hyperlink to an external URL link
  • Add an image or a video (.png or .jpeg for images)
  • Created a bulleted or numbered list 
  • Insert a table

There is a green button on the top that will indicate your chart note has been autosaved. Hover over the "autosave" button to see the last time it was shared. You can also click the "Save" button at any time. 

Tip: Smart Phrases allow you to create and save standard charting phrases that you can leverage for future charting notes. This allows you to make quick work of charting. 

Access Client Information While Charting

During your session with a client, Healthie makes it easy for you to have important client information available to you directly in the charting area of the platform. This prevents you from having to leave your chart note to view this information, or opening multiple web browsers. 

You can access general information about a client, while charting by clicking on "Quick Profile". This will open up a right-hand-side panel with key information on your client that may be helpful for you to review. You'll find basic client information, created goals, journal entries, and even completed forms in the Quick Profile. 

Toggle the Quick Profile on/off while charting. 

Additionally, you can reference past created chart notes while writing your new note. 

Learn how to open multiple charting notes in new tabs

Save or Lock a Chart Note

When you're done with the chart note, you can take the following actions: 

  • Save and Close the note 
  • Sign Note 
  • Lock Note which will save and lock your note to prevent further edits, learn more

Post-Charting Workflows to Leverage

You are also able to export Chart Notes directly into a Superbill or CMS 1500 for efficient completion of these billing notes, as well as to generate as a PDF version of the note, or send it as an e-Fax

Additionally, providers can share charting notes with clients, as post-session summaries. You are able to select specific fields of the charting note to share, and a copy will be added to your client's private documents. 

Learn how to share a charting note with a client

You can also use this sharing option if you'd like to create a PDF or e-Fax that only includes specific fields from your charting note. 

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