Resend an Intake Flow

Providers can set up paperless intakes through Healthie, enabling a triggered set of forms (called an Intake Flow) to send to a client for electronic completion. 

Once triggered, clients receive an email notification to complete their form. There may be instances where a request needs to be resent to a client (ie. if they had the wrong email address on file). While Healthie does not support a singular way to "re-trigger" an intake flow, providers can take the step below to resend a request to client(s) to complete their paperwork. 

Send a Form Completion Reminder

Since the intake flow was already requested for your client to complete, it is best to resend a form completion reminder. Clients will receive a new email notification to complete their forms (Note: this also works if you updated the email address on file for the client). 

  • Navigate to the Client's Profile > Charting > View Forms > Intake Forms
  • Next to each Intake Form you can click the action tab [...] and select "Send Reminder"


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