Make Client Packages Hidden or Visible to Clients

Healthie's built-in packages system enables you to bill for one-time and recurring services, programs, products, and other offerings that you provide. 

There may be instances when you would not like clients, or specific groups of clients to see a certain package that you've created. For example, if there is a sensitive client population that you work with, you may not want them to see packages that include certain services (ie. you may not want clients who are in recovery for an eating disorder to see that you also offer weight loss services). There also may be instances when you would like to set a Package Purchase cap or set the maximum number of times a Package may be purchased.

The visibility of the package, to clients, can be controlled within the Client Package settings > Visibility

The visibility options include: 

  • Allow all clients to see the package, and purchase it 
  • Only allow certain client groups to see this package 
  • Hide the package from all clients. 
  • Set a Package Purchase Cap or set the maximum number of times a package can be purchased (optional)

These visibility options ONLY extend to what existing clients will see when logged into Healthie from their Client Portal. Any packages that are shared via a URL link, or are embedded onto your website, will be visible to anyone who accesses the site or link.

Patient View

Any packages that are visible to ALL clients, or the group that they are assigned to, they will be able to view, and click to Learn More / Purchase. 

When a Package has been sold out (or the set package limit has been reached), an Organization user can share the Package, but the patient sees a "Sold Out" message and is unable to purchase the package.

Provider View

In the overview page of your Client Packages, you'll see a clear indicator at the top of each package, reflecting visibility status. 

Why can't my client see my package? 

Each Healthie package has a setting that allows you to make it "visible" or "not visible" to clients. This allows you to control which clients can see/purchase your packages. 

Please review our Getting Started: Client Packages article > Included Items section > Client Settings & Package Visibility

Additionally, packages are only viewable by clients via the web browser. Therefore, if a client is reporting they cannot see packages, they may be trying to view them from the mobile app. Redirect your clients to use the web browser to purchase any packages. 

Note: If you've made a package visible, but your client cannot view, please make sure you have not included a program that has already ended. By default. packages containing past programs will not show.

Why was my client able to purchase a package that is hidden? 

If you have shared a link to your package via URL or embedded onto your website, then clients will still be able to view and purchase the package. 

For example, if you previously sent an email to clients with a link to the package, and then made the package hidden, clients will still be directed to the package when clicking the link. 

If you do not want a package to be purchased, you can consider archiving the package. 

Why can't my client see or buy packages from the mobile app? 

Packages are only viewable by clients via the web browser. Therefore, if a client is reporting they cannot see packages, they may be trying to view them from the mobile app. Redirect your clients to use the web browser to purchase any packages. 

Currently, in-app purchasing is not supported in Healthie. There are additional fees that are associated with in-app purchasing, and these fees can be very high for healthcare classified applications. At this time, the additional fees that would be passed on to providers and clients, will unfortunately make in-app purchasing costly. In the interim, clients are able to log into their Healthie account from the web browser (versus the app) to view and purchase packages, or make invoice payments. 

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