Edit, Delete, Copy or Archive a Package

Client Packages within Healthie allow you to curate the services you offer and set prices, payment recurrence, associated sessions, groups, and programs. There may be instances in which you need to edit or delete an existing package, for example if you are changing your prices or restructuring your business. 

Edit a package

Editing a Client Package to make updates WILL NOT impact existing clients on this package, including future payment amounts, program availability (or lack thereof), and session credits made available to clients. We strongly recommend that if you have existing clients on a package, to create a NEW Client Package to avoid confusion and prevent lapses in client service. 

For example, if you have a client on a package that bills $200 / month, and then change your rate to $225 / month on a package, your existing clients on the package will continue to be charged $200 / month. If you would like to change the rates of your existing clients, we recommend stopping them on their current package, and enrolling them in a new package with the updated amount that you charge. 

To edit a package: 

  • Go to Billing > Client Packages in the main menu 
  • Find your package 
  • Click the dropdown next to "View" on the client package, select "Edit" from the menu. 

You will then be able to edit a Package's Name, Description, Included Items, and Pricing. Press Save for changes to immediately go into effect. Package updates will apply to all public-facing instances of the package, including on social links and on packages that may be embedded on your website.

Copy a Package 

Easily duplicate and modify the content of a package by utilizing the "Copy" feature. 

To Copy a package: 

  • Go to Billing > Client Packages in the main menu 
  • Find your package 
  • Click the dropdown next to "View" on the client package, select "Copy" from the menu. 

You'll see a green notification banner appear indicating that the package has been successfully copied. Your new package will appear with the same title, with "Copy" added to the end of it. You can edit your new package to change the title, description, content, and payment terms. By default, a copied package will appear as "Hidden," which means it will not be discoverable within Healthie unless you Edit > Change status to "Make Visible to Clients"  

Delete a Package

Deleting a Client Package WILL impact existing clients on this package, including cancelling out future payment amounts, program availability (or lack thereof), and preventing new session credits from being made available to clients. 

To delete a package: 

  • Go to Billing > Client Packages in the main menu 
  • Find your package 
  • Click the dropdown next to "View" on the client package, select "Delete" from the menu. 

We recommend checking public-facing places in which this package may be shared, to confirm that you do not need to make updates to embeds that do not reflect deleted packages.

What happens when you delete a Client Package:

  • Changes to prices will NOT affect PAST payments made from your clients, but WILL affect future payments that clients make
  • Clients will no longer be able to purchase a package that you have deleted. If you have Healthie embedded on a website or shared externally, it will no longer appear (this is updated automatically). 
  • Updating a package that existing clients are on WILL cancel future payments. Program accessibility and session credits WILL remain in tact. If you'd like to rescind Program access and change session credits, you will need to do so separately. 
  • We strongly recommend not deleting a package that has existing clients enrolled. Rather, we recommend making the package not visible, and then creating a *new* package to avoid confusion and/or clients not being charged. 

Archive a Package 

If you wish to retire a package, but do not want to impact existing clients, then we suggest that you archive the package (as opposed to deleting). This will ensure all existing client data and reporting is maintained. 

To archive a package: 

  • Go to Billing > Client Packages in the main menu 
  • Find your package 
  • Click the dropdown next to "View" on the client package, select "Archive" from the menu. 

A few things to note about archiving a package: 

  • Clients will not lose access to their programs, if enrolled in one.  
  • Clients will not lose credits, they will retain any credits they have. 
  • Scheduled payments for recurring packages will remain scheduled. 
  • Clients are not able to purchase a package that has been archived. 

Activate a Package 

If you wish to ensure that all existing client data and reporting is maintained, we suggest that you re-activate a package (that was previously archived) as opposed to creating a new package.

To activate a previously archived package: 

  • Go to Billing > Client Packages > Archived in the main menu 
  • Find your package 
  • Click the dropdown next to "View" on the client package, select "Activate" from the menu. 

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